Approve and authorize the Emergency Medical Services Director to submit the revised Monterey County Trauma System Care Plan to the California State Emergency Medical Services Authority.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Approve and authorize the Emergency Medical Services Director to submit the revised Monterey County Trauma System Care Plan to the California State Emergency Medical Services Authority.
The purpose of The Monterey County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Trauma Care System Plan is to identify the process for the designation of Natividad Medical Center (NMC) as an Adult Level II Trauma Center. The initial Trauma Care System Plan was developed in 2007 and revised in 2011 in compliance with the State of California Health and Safety Code, Division 2.5, Sections 1797.257 and 1797.258 (Trauma Statutes) and the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Social Security Division 9, Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services Chapter 7, Trauma Care Systems (Trauma Regulations) and the Monterey County Emergency Medical Services Plan.
The Monterey County Trauma Care System Plan outlines the structure and operations of the proposed trauma care system within Monterey County. The new plan incorporates a design change from no Trauma Centers in Monterey County to the designation of an Adult Level II Trauma Center. Specifically, the plan incorporates policies and procedures for system operations, which meet the minimum standards and regulations. In addition, the plan establishes a timeframe for implementation of system changes. Upon your direction, the revised Monterey County Trauma Care System Plan, and applicable policies and protocols will be submitted to the California EMS Authority by the EMS Director.
Currently, the County system of care for trauma patients is to air transport the majority of trauma patients to Santa Clara County Trauma Centers. Mechanism-Anatomic-Physiologi...
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