a. Consider the environmental effects of the project described in the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment with Finding of No Significant Impact (FEIR/EA with FONSI) together with NEPA/CEQA Re-Validation Form (aka Addendum) certified by the California Department of Transportation on January 31, 2013 (SCH#1999111063);
b. Adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations finding that there are benefits of the project (public safety, public access, and relief of congestion) that outweigh significant and unavoidable impacts on the environment (conversion of agricultural land);
c. Approve a Combined Development Permit consisting of:
1. A Coastal Development Permit to allow construction of three new roundabouts to replace the existing Highway 156/Castroville Boulevard intersection, including construction of new on and off ramps, a new bridge overpass, reuse of a portion of the current Castroville Boulevard as a mixed use bicycle and pedestrian path, driveway improvements, a new frontage road, the realignment of Castroville Boulevard and replacement along the new or modified sections of Highway 156 and Castroville Boulevard,
2. A Coastal Development Permit to allow development on slopes exceeding 25%,
3. A Coastal Development Permit to allow the removal of one native tree and two non-native landmark trees, and
4. A Coastal Development Permit to allow development within 100 feet of environmentally sensitive habitat areas; and
d. Adopt a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.
Project Location: State Route 156 between Castroville Boulevard (postmile R1.40) and the Moro Cojo Slough Bridge (postmile 1.60), North County Land Use Plan, Coastal Zone (Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 133-081-007-000, 133-073-002-000, 133-073-005-000, 133-073-008-000, 133-073-034-000, 133-073-009-000, 133-073-001-000, 133-073-004-000, 133-073-007-000, 133-072-031-000, 133-073-006-000, 133-073-003...
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