a. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Whitson and Associates, Inc. dba Whitson Engineers for a total amount not to exceed $1,113,987 to provide Final Design of the Carmel River Floodplain Restoration and Environmental Enhancement (CRFREE) Project, in Carmel, for a term of April 13, 2016 to December 31, 2017; and
b. Approve a Reimbursement Agreement with The Big Sur Land Trust, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, for a total amount not to exceed $580,000 to allow reimbursement to Monterey County for costs incurred by Whitson and Associates, Inc. dba Whitson Engineers, to provide Final Design of the CRFREE Project, in Carmel, for a term effective upon latest date of signature until full reimbursement; and
c. Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director to execute the Professional Services Agreement, Reimbursement Agreement and future amendments to the Agreements where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amounts.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Whitson and Associates, Inc. dba Whitson Engineers for a total amount not to exceed $1,113,987 to provide Final Design of the Carmel River Floodplain Restoration and Environmental Enhancement (CRFREE) Project, in Carmel, for a term of April 13, 2016 to December 31, 2017; and
b. Approve a Reimbursement Agreement with The Big Sur Land Trust, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, for a total amount not to exceed $580,000 to allow reimbursement to Monterey County for costs incurred by Whitson and Associates, Inc. dba Whitson Engineers, to provide Final Design of the CRFREE Project, in Carmel, for a term effective upon latest date of signature until full reimbursement; and
c. Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director to execute the Professional Services Agreement, Reimbursement Agreement and future amendm...
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