Public hearing to consider construction of a 3,633 square foot single-family dwelling with an attached 742 square foot garage, 618 square feet of decks, removal of 10 protected Oak trees, and development slopes in excess of 25%.
Project Location: 103 A San Benancio Rd, Salinas, Toro Area Plan
Proposed CEQA action: Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15303, and there are no exceptions pursuant to section 15300.2.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution to:
a) Find the project qualifies as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15303, and there are no exceptions pursuant to section 15300.2; and
b) Approve a Combined Development Permit consisting of:
1. A Design Approval to allow the construction of a two-story 3,633 square foot single-family dwelling with an attached 742 square foot garage, an attached 618 square foot deck, and associated site improvements including a 310 square foot driveway; and
2. A Use Permit to allow the removal of 10 protected Oak trees; and
3. A Use Permit to allow development on slopes in excess of 25%.
The attached draft resolution includes findings and evidence for consideration (Exhibit A). Staff recommends approval/denial subject to 11 conditions of approval.
Agent: Jack Camp
Property Owner: Carolyn Peliova and Matthew Bradford
APN: 416-231-018-000
Parcel Size: 6.5 acres
Zoning: Low Density Residential with Building Site 6 and Design Control overlays or “LDR/B-6-D”
Plan Area: Toro Area Plan
Flagged and Staked: Yes
Planner: Joseph Alameda, Assistant Planner
alamedaj@countyofmonterey.gov, (831)783-7079
The subject property is located at 103A San Benancio Road, Salinas within the Toro Area Plan and is surrounded by residences on all sides. The applicant proposes the construction of a two-story 3,633 square foot single-family dwelli...
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