PLN180205 - The Jerry and Suzanne Rava Family limited partnership and Jerry J. Rava II, trustee of the Jerry J. Rava II trust dated August 19, 1994
Public hearing to consider a Lot Line Adjustment between two (2) legal lots of record currently under Williamson Act Contract of 607.8 acres (Parcel 1) and 267.1 acres (Parcel 2) into two (2) resulting lots of 434.1 acres (Parcel A) and 440.8 acres (Parcel B).
Proposed California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Action: Categorically Exempt per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15305(a)
Project Location: South of Wildhorse Canyon Road, near King City (Assessor's Parcel Numbers 420-091-020-000 and 420-091-030-000) and at 51173 Freeman Flat Road, King City (Assessor's Parcel Number 420-091-031-000), Central Salinas Valley Area Plan.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution:
a. Finding that the project is a Lot Line Adjustment, which qualifies as a Class 5 Categorical Exemption per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section15305(a), and there are no exceptions pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section15300.2; and
b. Approving a Lot Line Adjustment between two (2) legal lots of record of 607.8 acres (Parcel 1) and 267.1 acres (Parcel 2) into two (2) resulting lots of 434.1 acres (Parcel A) and 440.8 acres (Parcel B) under Williamson Act Agricultural Preserve Land Conservation Contract (AGP) Nos. 68-016 and 93-011 established by County Board of Supervisors Resolution Nos. 68-56-16 and 92-35, with a net decrease in acreage to AGP 68-016 (Parcel A) and equal net increase in acreage to AGP 93-011 (Parcel B); and
c. Authorizing the Chair to execute a new or amended Land Conservation Contract or Contracts in order to rescind a portion of the existing Land Conservation Contracts as applicable to the reconfigured lots only and simultaneously execute a new or amended Land Conservation Contract or Contracts for the reconfigured lo...
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