Public hearing to consider:
a. Certifying the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Harper Canyon/Encina Hills project (State Clearinghouse Number: 2003071157), which supplements the Final Environmental Impact Report for the same project with information pertaining to wildlife corridors;
b. Reinstating Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 15-084 for the Harper Canyon/Encina Hills project, except as amended with respect to the issue of wildlife corridors, which:
i. Certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the project;
ii. Adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations;
iii. Upheld an appeal by Harper Canyon Realty LLC of the Planning Commissions denial of the project;
iv. Approved a Combined Development Permit consisting of a:
1) A Vesting Tentative Map for the subdivision of 344 acres into 17 residential lots ranging in size from 5.13 acres to 23.42 acres on 164 acres with one 180-acre remainder parcel;
2) Use Permit for the removal of approximately 79 Coast live oak trees over six inches in diameter for road and driveway construction;
3) Use Permit for development on slopes in excess of 30 percent;
4) Use Permit for the creation of a public water system with a standalone treatment facility; and
5) Grading for net cut and fill of approximately 2,000 cubic yards; and
v. Adopted a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan.
c. Adopting a resolution modifying reinstated Resolution No. 15-084 relating to wildlife corridors and updating the record in conformance with the Monterey County Superior Court’s Second Amended Peremptory Writ of Mandate issued on July 1, 2021 (Case Number M131193).
d. Adopting a revised Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (“MMRP”) reflecting modifications to the reinstated permit and replacing the previously adopted MMRP.
Planning File Number: PLN000696
Owner: Harper Canyon Realty LLC (Encina Hills)
Project Location: South of Highway 68, East of San Benancio Road and wes...
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