Consider adopting a resolution:
a. Finding that receiving the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin Investigation Report (“Investigation Report”) is not a project under California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378(b)(5);
b. Acknowledging receipt of an Investigation Report prepared pursuant to Policy PS-3.1 of the 2010 Monterey County General Plan;
c. Directing staff to coordinate with applicable groundwater sustainability agencies to align groundwater sustainability efforts with land use decisions as a measure that will address the groundwater conditions described in the Investigation Report; and
d. Directing staff to prepare a General Plan amendment to update Policy PS-3.1 in light of the completed investigation.
It is recommended that the Monterey County Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution (Attachment A):
a. Finding that receiving the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin Investigation Report (“Investigation Report”) is not a project under CEQA Guidelines section 15378(b)(5);
b. Acknowledging receipt of the Investigation Report prepared pursuant to Policy PS-3.1 of the 2010 Monterey County General Plan;
c. Directing staff to coordinate with applicable groundwater sustainability agencies to align groundwater sustainability efforts with land use decisions as a measure that will address the groundwater conditions described in the Investigation Report; and
d. Directing staff to prepare a General Plan amendment to update Policy PS-3.1.in light of the completed investigation.
Staff brought the Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin Investigation Report (“Investigation Report”, Attachment B) before the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors on August 27, 2024. Following both written and oral public comments, the Board continued the item for 60 days to allow the public and stakeholders sufficient time to review the Investigation Report. The Investigation Report has been posted on the Housing & Community Devel...
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