Approve and authorize the Director of Health to contract with the Public Health Institute (PHI) to receive funds in the amount of $25,000 for collaborating with PHI on convening partners to provide input on how counties can utilize the Institute of Medicine's Core Metrics as part of tracking health outcomes.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Approve and authorize the Director of Health to contract with the Public Health Institute (PHI) to receive funds in the amount of $25,000 for collaborating with PHI on convening partners to provide input on how counties can utilize the Institute of Medicine's Core Metrics as part of tracking health outcomes.
In 2015 the Institute of Medicine released its report on Vital Signs, Core Metrics which are intended to be a standardized set of health metrics used nationwide. The report provides national measures for each metric, but does not provide specific information on how they can be implemented or used at the local level. The Public Health Institute (PHI) is assessing how feasible it is to collect these metrics at a local level and which measures would be useful for improving local decision making.
PHI is proposing to work with Monterey County Health Department (MCHD) as one of two pilot counties in California. Working in conjunction with already-existing coalitions in each community and building on planning and data activities already underway, their plan is to identify specific measures that can be used in each community with the intent of achieving as much standardization as possible. In addition, each community will identify a small number of additional measures that are of particular concern. The focus is primarily on the healthy communities and engagement measures, but the assessment will include some clinical and cost measures as well.
MCHD will be the convener of various community members to provide more information about population he...
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