Approve and authorize for the Sheriff to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Monterey County Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCCCO) via Hartnell Community College District (HCCD) for the provision of educational courses at the Monterey County Jail (MCJ) to incarcerated adult female and male offenders under the Sheriff's Office supervision.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve and authorize for the Sheriff to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Monterey County Sheriff's Office and the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCCCO) via Hartnell Community College District (HCCD) for the provision of educational courses at the Monterey County Jail (MCJ) to incarcerated adult female and male offenders under the Sheriff's Office supervision.
The Monterey County Sheriff's Office is recommending the approval for an interagency agreement to expand access to community college courses that lead to degrees and/or certificates that result in enhanced workforce skills or transfer to a four-year university. These college courses for inmates of the MCJ will serve to supplement, but not duplicate or supplant, any other adult education course opportunities offered at the MCJ.
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to reflect Education Code, Section 84810.7(a) where it authorizes and directs the Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges (CCCCO), to enter an interagency agreement to expand access to community college courses that lead to degrees or certificates that result in enhanced workforce skills or transfer to a four-year university. The courses for inmates in a correctional facility developed as a result of this agreement will serve to supplement, but not duplicate or supplant, any adult education course opportunities offered at that facility. MCJ and HCCD desire ...
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