Consider receiving an update regarding a long-term replacement water supply for the community of San Lucas.
Project Location: Central Salinas Valley Area (San Lucas Community)
Proposed CEQA action: Statutory Exemption pursuant to Section 15262 of the CEQA.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission:
a. Receive an update regarding a long-term replacement water supply for the community of San Lucas.
This report provides a brief background and status update regarding Planning Commission Referral No. 24.2 (San Lucas Long-Term Replacement Water Supply update).
San Lucas is a small, disadvantaged farming community located in unincorporated Monterey County approximately eight miles from King City. The community water system (approximately 100 connections) is owned and operated by the San Lucas County Water District (District). In 2011, a “do not drink” order was issued, and despite establishing an alternative well to serve the community, a second “do not drink” order was issued in 2016. The lack of safe, affordable drinking water for the community has also caused a nearly 20-year delay of a severely needed affordable housing project in San Lucas.
The County and the District are working with the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board)’s Division of Drinking Water to identify potential solutions to address the water quality issues for the community. The State Board is providing the District with Technical Assistance to identify a project that will provide safe drinking water to the community. In July of 2024, the State Board’s technical assistance team released a public draft peer reviewed feasibility study and engineering report for public comment. Technical documents and additional information can be accessed on the State Board’s website at
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