File #: 25-095    Name: Thermo Scientific TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer
Type: General Agenda Item Status: Passed
File created: 2/3/2025 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action: 2/18/2025
Title: a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,762 for the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail; and b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,762 Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail.
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. TruNarc Quote.pdf, 3. MOU, 4. Resolution.pdf, 5. Completed Board Order Item No. 28, 6. Completed Resolution Item No. 28

a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,762 for the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail; and

b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,762 Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail.



It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:

a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,762 for the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail; and

b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,762 Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail.


On November 14, 2024, the Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) approved the recommendation that additional funding in the amount of $37,762.22 from the AB109-201 l Public Safety Realignment account be provided to the Sheriff’s Office for funding t...

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