File #: WRAFIN 25-012    Name: FlowWest Agreement - P&A
Type: WRA FInance Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/31/2025 In control: Water Resources Agency Finance Committee
On agenda: 2/7/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider recommending that the Board of Directors approve an Agreement for Services with FlowWest, Inc. in the dollar amount of $275,000 for work to be performed related to the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Flood Emergency Response Project (Project). (Staff Presenting: Peter Kwiek)
Attachments: 1. Board Report, 2. FlowWest Agreement DRAFT PSA
Consider recommending that the Board of Directors approve an Agreement for Services with FlowWest, Inc. in the dollar amount of $275,000 for work to be performed related to the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Flood Emergency Response Project (Project).
(Staff Presenting: Peter Kwiek)
It is recommended that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Finance Committee:

Consider recommending that the Board of Directors approve an Agreement for Services with FlowWest, Inc. in the dollar amount of $275,000 and authorize the General Manager to execute the agreement.

The Monterey County Water Resources Agency (Agency) requests approval to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with FlowWest, Inc. for work to be performed related to the DWR Grant-funded Monterey County Water Resources Agency Flood Emergency Response Project (Project). The project seeks to improve local flood emergency response by developing an emergency management and communications tool allowing rapid viewing of county mapping products to allow advanced flood warning in local communities. Under the agreement, FlowWest will develop a planning tool for the Agency that allows rapid viewing of Salinas River flood inundation mapping based on user input of forecasted flows or stages in the Salinas River. This tool will assist the Agency in predicting flooding extents given forecasts of river flow and provide advanced warning to impacted communities. This effort will be based on an existing HEC-RAS computer model of the Salinas River originally developed by FlowWest in 2014-2015 and updated in 2023. This model predicts hydraulics of the Salinas River from approximately Bradley at the southern extent to the Monterey Bay at the Northern extent. This model will be further updated and refined, simulations of a wide range of flows will be run, flood inundation maps will be created, along with a software tool that allows these maps to be used to fo...

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