Introduce, waive the reading, and set January 9, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. to consider adoption of an ordinance amending the Monterey County Code, Title 12, Section 12.28.010, to extend a 650-foot no parking at any time restriction on the east side of Castroville Boulevard 680 feet to the south. The proposed southern end is to be 3,849 feet north of the centerline of Cielo Azul, Castroville area. Introduce, waive the reading, and set January 9, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. to consider adoption of an ordinance amending the Monterey County Code, Title 12, Section 12.28.010, to extend a 650-foot no parking at any time restriction on the east side of Castroville Boulevard 680 feet to the south. The proposed southern end is to be 3,849 feet north of the centerline of Cielo Azul, Castroville area.