Receive a written report/presentation from Office of Emergency Services Division regarding the status of the Emergency Management in Monterey County, including the five year strategic plan, new alerting and notification opportunities, grant management, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) upgrades, Continuity of Government plans, community preparedness efforts and resiliency building, as well as recent emergency responses.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors receive a written report/presentation from Office of Emergency Services Division regarding the status of the Emergency Management in Monterey County, including the five year strategic plan, new alerting and notification opportunities, grant management, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) upgrades, Continuity of Government plans, community preparedness efforts and resiliency building, as well as recent emergency responses.
The mission of the Monterey County Office of Emergency Services is to ensure that the jurisdictions and communities have the capability and sustained capacity to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from any natural, technological, or human related emergency or disaster. This annual report reviews efforts made throughout Monterey County involving a collaborative and coordinated approach to working together with both public safety and community partners. In a year of decreasing grant opportunities, OES has leveraged to bring both vital training and interactive exercises to first responders.
OES has created a strategic plan that looks at short range and long term goals that are aligned with the County Strategic initiatives and performance measures. New planning efforts involving debris management, flood management annex, evacuation planning and disaster recovery will be the focus of this next fiscal year. OES will continue to plan for the recent disaster recovery efforts and winter storm impacts to the fire scar areas.
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