Approve and authorize the Emergency Medical Services Agency Director to submit the revised annual Monterey County EMS Plans for 2012 to the California State Emergency Medical Services Authority.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Approve and authorize the Emergency Medical Services Agency Director to submit the revised annual Monterey County EMS Plans for 2012 to the California State Emergency Medical Services Authority.
State law requires any County that establishes an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program to develop a local EMS Plan and file it with the California EMS Authority. Monterey County's initial EMS Plan was filed with the State in 1984, under the State EMS System Standards and Guidelines in effect at that time. The Monterey County EMS Plan for 2012 submitted for your Board's approval today represents the ninth comprehensive revision of the County's EMS Plan since the current State EMS System Standards and Guidelines were published in June of 1993. The last Monterey County EMS Plan (2011) was submitted and approved by your Board on July 10, 2012. The annual review and revision of EMS Plan for 2012 includes several reformatted and/or new tables required by the California EMS Authority and titled: organization, personnel, training, communications, response, transportation, facilities, disaster medicine, response and transportation providers, facilities, training programs, and dispatch. The EMS Plan for 2012 also includes an updated Trauma System Status Report that reflects current (2013) activity.
The Monterey County EMS Plan recommended for approval is fully consistent with State requirements with three (3) exceptions:
1) Trauma System Evaluation: Currently, no hospital has been designated as a trauma care center in Monterey County; nor is there a 'trauma registry.' There is interest from two local hospitals to achieve trauma center designation at the Level-II stat...
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