Approve and adopt revisions to the Bylaws of the Commission on Disabilities.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Approve and adopt revisions to the Bylaws of the Commission on Disabilities.
The Commission on Disabilities was established pursuant to Resolution No. 01-073. The Commission was formed to give advice and input to the Board of Supervisors regarding matters relating to equal access to employment, public services, communication and public accommodation for persons with disabilities who live, work and/or receive services within the County of Monterey.
The Commission is comprised of members representing each Supervisorial District, Department Heads, local cities, and organizations that assists individuals with disabilities.
As a Commission of the County of Monterey, the Commission on Disabilities is required to have bylaws and ensure that those bylaws reflect the role and responsibilities of the Commission and its members. As such the Commission dedicated time to review and update the Bylaws to clarify the Commissioners roles and responsibilities. Attachment (A) is the current Bylaws for the Commission and Attachment (B) are the proposed Revised Bylaws. The revision of the Bylaws was a collaborative effort among the Commissioners, County Counsel and staff. The revised bylaws were approved by the Commission on Disabilities during their meeting of May 20, 2013.
The amended Bylaws were reviewed by County Counsel.
Prepared by: Michelle Gomez, Equal Opportunity Specialist, ext. 6613
Approved by:
Irma Ramirez-Bough
Equal Opportunity Officer
Ext. 6614
Attachment A: Current Bylaws of the Monterey County Commission on Disabilities
Attachment B: Proposed Bylaws of the Monterey County Commission on Disabilities