REF150053/ REF150054 - EVENTS
Adopt a Resolution establishing interpretive guidelines for Title 21 of the County Code regarding large-scale special events.
Proposed CEQA Action: Adoption of interpretive guidelines for existing policy and regulations is not a project per Section 15321 of the CEQA Guidelines.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a Resolution (Exhibit B) establishing the following interpretive guidelines for Title 21 of the County Code regarding large-scale special events:
a. Events that are part of certain operations under existing use permits (e.g., hotels, resorts, golf courses, wineries/tasting rooms, and commercial) are allowed pursuant to historical practice.
b. The RMA Director is authorized to determine those events that are allowed to continue or expand subject to ministerial permits where there is an existing use such as a hotel, resort, golf course, winery, or commercial use, even if not explicit in the permit language. Such uses shall be subject to any limitations identified as existing permit conditions or mitigation measures.
c. "Large-scale special events", as determined by the RMA Director, must have operational plans for the event considered at a public Events Task Force meeting at least 90 days prior to the event.
d. The RMA Director is authorized to establish an Events Task Force made up of regulatory staff including, but not limited to, RMA/Planning, Fire, RMA/Building, Environmental Health, RMA/Public Works, Sheriff, and Highway Patrol. The purpose of the Events Taskforce is to review proposed plans and operations for events, hear public concerns, and for regulatory staff to apply conditions addressing possible impacts.
Monterey County has a large tourist economy, which makes it a desired location for many events of varying size and complexity. Staff finds that there are generally four different types of events ranging from:
1. Personal event on priv...
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