Public hearing to consider an Amendment to the Use Permit for the California Flats Solar Project (PLN120294) to modify the Use Permit to include construction of an 85-unit Tesla Megapack battery energy storage system and associated infrastructure improvements within the footprint of the original permit.
Project Number: PLN120294-AMD1
Proposed CEQA Action: Consider an Addendum together with previously certified EIR for the California Flats Solar Project (SCH#2013041031)
Location: Three acres of a 2,000+-acre lease site within a 72,000-acre ranch (Hearst Corporation) located approximately 7 miles southwest of Parkfield and 25 miles northeast of Paso Robles, east of Turkey Flats Road and north of State Highway 46 near borders of Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Kings and Fresno counties; South County Area Plan.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution to:
a. Certify that the Board considered an Addendum together with the previously certified Environmental Impact Report for the California Flats Solar Project (SCH#2013041031), pursuant to Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines;
b. Approve amendment to the Use Permit for the California Flats Solar Project (approved of February 10, 2015, Resolution No. 15-027; Planning File No. PLN120294) to construct up to an 85 units Tesla Megapack battery energy storage system and associated infrastructure improvements, including approximately 7,243 cubic yards of cut and 1,489 cubic yards of fill, with remaining soil to be balanced or stockpiled onsite. The proposed modification is located entirely within the existing footprint of the California Flats Project, encompassing an area of approximately 3 acres specifically on Assessor's Parcel Numbers 424-181-014 and 424-181-015 and within the "solar development area" footprint;
c. Adopt a Condition Compliance and Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program to reflect new/amended conditions.
This project substantially conforms with the o...
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