Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 9/12/2017 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
See separate Minutes for the Board of Supervisors of the Monterey County Water Resources Agency and East Garrison Community Services District.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: None Video en Español None  
Agenda packet: None
Meeting video:  
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CS 17-047 q1.BoS 09/12/2017 Closed SessionGeneral Agenda ItemClosed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items: a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: (1) Carmel Rio Road, LLC v. County of Monterey, et al. (Monterey County Superior Court case no. M118773). b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation. c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.6, the Board will confer with labor negotiators: (1) Designated representatives: Irma Ramirez-Bough and Brette Neal Employee Organization(s): Units E, F and R d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(e)(3), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding liability claims against the County of Monterey. (1) Rene Hernandez (2) Roberto Hernandez (3) Jesus Lopez, Manuela Lopez and Estate of Julian Lopez   None None
17-0920 2.Approval of Cosent Calendar 9-12-17General Agenda ItemApproval of Consent Calendar (See Supplemental Sheet)   None None
CR 17-089 3.Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming September 2017 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in Monterey County and Honoring Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services. (Supervisor Adams)   None None
CR 17-092 4.National Recovery Month Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming September 2017 as National Recovery Month in Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams)   None None
CR 17-095 5.Food Safety Month Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming the month of September 2017 as “National Food Safety Education Month” in Monterey County and call upon public and private organizations to celebrate with the Monterey County Health Department, Environmental Health Bureau, and the Monterey County Food Safety Advisory Council by participating in learning opportunities and activities that promote food safety. (Supervisor Adams)   None None
CR 17-096 6.Electromagnetic Sensitivities Awareness Month Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming September 2017 as Electromagnetic Sensitivities Awareness Month in Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams)   None None
APP 17-123 7.Children & Families Commission - DreznerAppointmentReappoint Julie Drezner to the Monterey County Children & Families Commission (aka First 5 Monterey County) for a term ending September 30, 2020. (Full Board)   None None
APP 17-124 8.Community Action Commission - CoyneAppointmentReappoint Linda Coyne to the Community Action Commission for a term ending July 1, 2020. (Supervisor Adams)   None None
APP 17-125 9.Animal Control Program Advisory Board - KocherAppointmentAppoint Frank Kocher to the Animal Control Program Advisory Board to fill an unscheduled vacancy with a term ending July 1, 2018. (Full Board)   None None
APP 17-126 10.Agricultural Advisory Committee - SheaAppointmentReappoint Matt Shea to the Agricultural Advisory Committee for a term ending June 30, 2020. (Supervisor Adams)   None None
17-0940 10.1Dreamer and DACA ProgramGeneral Agenda ItemReceive a recommendation from the Board of Supervisors’ Legislative Committee regarding the adoption of a Resolution supporting “Dreamers” and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program. (REVISED RESOLUTION SUBMITTED VIA SUPPLEMENTAL)   None None
17-0921 11.Board Comments 9-12-17General Agenda ItemBoard Comments   None None
17-0922 12.CAO Comments and Referrals 9-12-17General Agenda ItemCAO Comments and Referrals   None None
17-0923 13.General Public Comment 9-12-17General Agenda ItemGeneral Public Comment   None None
17-0888 14.GRE UpdateGeneral Agenda Itema. Receive an update on the progress of Governing for Racial Equity in Monterey County. b. Consider adopting a Resolution to Proclaim the Reaffirmation of Monterey County Values and Commitment to Ensure Equitable Outcomes and Opportunities for Every Resident of Monterey County. (Full Board) c. Consider Proclaiming Monterey County’s commitment to further advance the education and implementation of Governing for Racial Equity practices in Monterey County government. (Full Board)   None None
17-0924 15.CIP Storm PresentationGeneral Agenda ItemReceive a presentation on the Capital Improvement Program Five Year Plan FY 2017-18 through FY 2021-22, Measure X/SB1 List of Projects (FY 2017/18), and Storm/Fire Damage Projects (FY 2017/18).   None None
17-0950 15.1Lease for Year-Round Homeless ShelterGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Contracts / Purchasing Officer to execute a Lease Agreement, effective with the date of execution through October 31, 2019, or two (2) years from Lease Commencement Date, whichever is later, with the Joseph A. Cardinale and Jeannette M. Cardinale Revocable Trust dated July 1, 1993, and the Thomas A. Cardinale and Catherine M. Cardinale Family Trust dated September 14, 1999, for approximately 6,828 rentable square feet of space located at 321 North Main Street, Salinas, California, as the Salinas Year-Round Homeless Shelter; b. Request that the Auditor - Controller make lease payments in accordance with the terms of the Lease Agreement; c. Adopt a resolution approving and authorizing the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2017-18 Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations by $158,740.00 in Department of Social Services Community Programs Unit (001-5010-SOC004-8258), financed by increases in estimated cannabis tax revenues by $158,740.00 collected by County Administrative Office’s Finance Unit (001-1050-CAO019-8041-4130). d. Approve and authorize the Di   None None
17-0902 16.Report regarding the Conceptual, Financial, and Management Plan for a Regional Soccer ComplexGeneral Agenda ItemConsider: a. Receiving a report regarding the Conceptual, Financial, and Management Plan for a regional soccer complex to be located on County-owned land in the general vicinity of Laurel Drive and Constitution Boulevard; b. Reviewing and considering the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program approved by the City of Salinas for the regional soccer complex; and c. Adopting one resolution i) authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute an Amended and Restated Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Monterey, the City of Salinas, and the Salinas Regional Sports Authority for the development of the regional soccer complex, ii) authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute a Master Lease with the City of Salinas for the same purpose, and iii) authorizing the County Administrative Officer to approve a sub-lease between the City of Salinas and the Salinas Regional Sports Authority upon certification by County Counsel that the terms of the sub-lease are consistent with those of the Amended and Restated Memorand   None None
17-0905 17.PLN140089 - Carmel Rio RdGeneral Agenda ItemPLN140089 - CARMEL RIO ROAD LLC (CLARK) Public hearing (continued from June 27, 2017) to consider an Environmental Impact Report, an ordinance amending Sections 21.14.050.A, 21.14.060.A, and 21.14.060.B of Title 21 (non-coastal zoning) of the Monterey County Code, and an application for a Combined Development Permit to subdivide three existing lots totaling approximately 7.92 acres into 25 lots, including 24 lots that could accommodate one unit on each lot and one lot that could accommodate up to seven affordable units (31 units total). Project Location: 26500 Val Verde Drive, Carmel Valley Master Plan Proposed CEQA Action: Consider certification of Environmental Impact Report SCH#2015071046 (if Board approves project or an alternative); statutory exemption (if Board denies project).   None None
17-0929 17.1Advanced Step PlacementsGeneral Agenda ItemAuthorize the Resource Management Agency (RMA) Director to offer advance step placements as follows: a. Mr. John Dugan at Step 6 of the RMA Deputy Director of Land Use and Community Development (11A23) salary range effective November 6, 2017 consistent with the intent of Personnel, Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394, Sections A.1.11.1 and A.1.11.5. b. Mr. Donald Searle at Step 4 of the RMA Deputy Director of Public Works and Facilities (11A24) salary range effective September 18, 2017 consistent with the intent of Personnel, Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394, Sections A.1.11.1 and A.1.11.5. (Item moved from Consent to Scheduled Matters via Additions & Corrections)   None None
A 17-362 18.Olympus AgreementBoS Agreementa. Authorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute an Agreement with Olympus America Inc. for Equipment Maintenance Repair and Preventative Maintenance Services at NMC for an amount not to exceed $302,044 for the term September 25, 2017 through September 24, 2020. b. Authorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for NMC or his designee to execute up to three (3) future amendments to the agreement which do not significantly alter the scope of work other than periodic changes to the equipment inventory list, and do not cause an increase of more than ten percent (10%) ($30,204) of the original cost of the agreement per each amendment.   None None
17-0869 19.Sun Street Centers Funding Agreement for RenovationsGeneral Agenda Itema. Adopt a resolution finding that the expenditure of funds from the Natividad Medical Center (NMC) Fiscal Year 2017/2018 Budget to support a Funding Agreement with Sun Street Centers (“SSC”), assisting SSC in meeting the direct costs of renovation of its residential detoxification facility (“RDF”) in Salinas, California, has a direct and primary public purpose, benefiting Monterey County, in general, and NMC, in particular; b. Authorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for NMC or his designee to execute a Funding Agreement with SSC, to provide funding to SSC in an amount not to exceed $40,000 to assist in meeting the direct costs of the RDF renovation, for a term beginning September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018.   None None
A 17-360 20.OVID Technologies AgreementBoS Agreementa. Approve and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign a one (1) year Master License Agreement (October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018) with Ovid Technologies, Inc. to provide an Internet-based subscription product of Medical Psychiatry Journals and Databases, for a total contract amount not to exceed $14,480; b. Accept the non-standard Agreement and risk terms regarding limitations on liability, limited warranties, removal of indemnification and insurance provisions, as recommended by the Director of Health; and c. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to sign up to three (3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($1,448) of the original Agreement amount and do not significantly alter the scope of services.   None None
A 17-365 21.PBI Amend #2BoS Agreementa. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign Amendment No. 2 to Agreement with Peninsula Business Interiors (PBI), adding one year and increasing the Agreement by $300,000 for a new total Agreement amount of $700,000 for the period November 1, 2015 through June 30, 2019; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign up to two future amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed ten percent (10%) ($9,500) of the original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.   None None
A 17-363 22.MOU - MCOE for Salinas Community School Program FY17-18BoS Agreementa. Approve and authorize the Chief Probation Officer to sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the amount of $160,915 with the Monterey County Office of Education, retroactively for the term July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 for collaborative services for the Salinas Community School program; and b. Authorize the Chief Probation Officer to sign up to three (3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed ten percent ($16,091) of the original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.   None None
17-0890 23. General Agenda Itema. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign a one (1) year sole source contract with Jesse Aguirre, Doing Business as J.K. Mortuary Services in the amount of $125,000; b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to sign up to two (2) amendments to the agreement where the amendments do not significantly change the scope of work, and the amendments in total do not exceed 10% ($12,500) for a total cumulative not to exceed agreement amount of $137,500.   None None
17-0891 24. General Agenda Itema. Approve and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute a Professional Services Agreement containing non-standard language provisions, retroactive to July 1, 2017, by and between County of Monterey and NEC Corporation of America for hardware and software maintenance on fingerprint scanning equipment installed at the Salinas Police Department at a cost of $7,500.00 per year for two (2) years at a total cost of $15,000.00; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to approve up to three (3) future amendments to the Agreement where the amendment does not significantly change the scope of work, and all amendments together do not add more than ten (10) percent ($1500.00) for a total contract value of $16,500.00   None None
A 17-361 25.Qualys Amendment No 1BoS AgreementApprove and authorize the Contracts Purchasing Officer, or the Contracts Purchasing Supervisor, to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Non-Standard Agreement with Qualys, Inc. on behalf of the Information Technology Department, adding $130,645 to the existing contract amount of $130,645, for an amended total of $261,290, to continue to provide QualysGuard Vulnerability Management Enterprise services and associated subscription fees, and to extend the term of the agreement by an additional year, ending on July 19, 2018.   None None
17-0856 26.MOU - MCFL with PVUSDGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pajaro Valley Unified School District (PVUSD) and Monterey County to implement the PVUSD’s Migrant Education Program (MEP) at the Monterey County Free Libraries’ (MCFL) Pajaro branch, for an initial term retroactive to September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018. b. Authorize the Library Director, or her Designee, to sign the MOU on behalf of the County: c. Authorize the Library Director, or her Designee, to execute a maximum of three (3) amendments to the MOU, subject to County Counsel review, to extend the initial term by one (1) year each and to adjust PVUSD’s costs, as necessary.   None None
17-0903 27.Adopt 2017-18 Secured Roll Debt Service Tax RatesGeneral Agenda ItemAdopt the Secured Roll Tax Rates calculated by the Office of the Auditor-Controller for Fiscal Year 2017-18.   None None
17-0931 28.Agreement between County of Monterey and iSightGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Equal Opportunity Officer to sign an Agreement with iSight for $22,500, to provide Case Management Software for the period of August 31, 2017, through August 31, 2020; and, b. Approve the Equal Opportunity Officer’s recommendation to accept the non-standard warranties, termination, indemnification, and insurance requirement provisions of the Agreement.   None None
17-0906 29.PHA Revised Agreement #3General Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to sign a Revised Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement No. 12022 between the County of Monterey and Pacific Health Alliance (PHA) for Third-Party Administration of the County Self-Insured Dental Program, extending the term of the original agreement for two additional years through December 31, 2019.   None None
17-0904 29.1Conduent Service Agreements FY 17/18General Agenda Itema. Approve and Authorize the County’s Contracts/Purchasing Officer or the Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute an Agreement including non-standard provisions on behalf of the County Clerk/Recorder (CCR) with Conduent Enterprise Solutions, LLC (Conduent) for software maintenance of ACS-GRM Exigent, aiIndex/aiRedaction, IBM Content Manager, Kofax, Electronic Recording Delivery System (ERDS), and G2G Electronic Recording, in an amount not to exceed $93,043.00, retroactive to July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; and b. Approve a policy allowing the use of the same proposed non-standard provisions, as determined by the County’s Contracts/Purchasing Officer to be appropriate, in future Conduent/County Clerk-Recorder Agreements of $100,000 or less, specific to the related unique and necessary services provided by this vendor, utilizing existing Purchasing Agent execution authority. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)   None None
17-0951 29.2Board Report Purchasing Agent Temporary Pemit AuthorityGeneral Agenda ItemAdopt a Resolution to: a. Authorize the County Purchasing Agent to apply for and receive such temporary use and occupancy permits or licenses as may be required from time-to-time for the conduct of County business, elections, or related County purposes, subject to conditions; and b. Direct County staff to return to the Board of Supervisors with appropriate amendments to the County Code to implement the intent and purposes of this resolution. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA)   None None
17-0929 30.Advanced Step PlacementsGeneral Agenda ItemAuthorize the Resource Management Agency (RMA) Director to offer advance step placements as follows: a. Mr. John Dugan at Step 6 of the RMA Deputy Director of Land Use and Community Development (11A23) salary range effective November 6, 2017 consistent with the intent of Personnel, Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394, Sections A.1.11.1 and A.1.11.5. b. Mr. Donald Searle at Step 4 of the RMA Deputy Director of Public Works and Facilities (11A24) salary range effective September 18, 2017 consistent with the intent of Personnel, Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394, Sections A.1.11.1 and A.1.11.5. (Item moved from Consent to Scheduled Matters via Additions & Corrections)   None None
RES 17-154 31.CSA 51 Increase AppropriationsBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution to authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2017-18 adopted budget for County Service Area 51 High Meadows, Fund 078-3000-8198-RMA074, increasing appropriations in the amount of $89,085 where Fund 078 Unassigned Fund Balance is the financing source (4/5th vote required).   None None
17-0892 32.Ratify Three Grant Applications to Caltrans for Active Transportation ProgramGeneral Agenda Itema. Ratify the submittal of three grant applications to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant funds for bicycle/pedestrian projects; b. Authorize the RMA Director or RMA Deputy Director of Administrative Services to act as the agent for the County in processing all documentation to secure these funds; and c. Direct the Resource Management Agency (RMA) to return to the Board for approval prior to acceptance of any grant award(s).   None None
RES 17-153 33.Adopt Reso Amendment 2 Agmt A-6424BoS ResolutionAdopt a resolution to: a. Approve Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. A-6424 for sharing costs between State and County for highway electrical facilities at intersections with County highways; and b. Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director to execute Amendment No. 2 on behalf of the County of Monterey.   None None