Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Monterey County Planning Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/12/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
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PC 25-021 2.PLN210068-AMD2 - RectorPlanning ItemPLN210068-AMD2 - RECTOR WARDENS & VESTRYMEN OF ALL SAINTS PARISH (ALL SAINTS DAY SCHOOL) Public hearing to consider a second Amendment to a previously approved Combined Development Permit (PLN210068), as amended by PLN210068-AMD1, which allowed modifications to All Saints Day School, including the construction of outdoor athletic facilities, outdoor learning areas, site improvements, and development within 200 feet of the Carmel River. This Amendment would allow the construction of a 4,745 square-foot field house to include two locker rooms, three classroom/multi-purpose rooms, storage, and a kitchenette. Project Location: 8060 Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt per Section 15314 of the CEQA Guidelines.   None None
PC 25-020 3.Pln240234 - DonvanPlanning ItemPLN240234 - DONOVAN PAUL MARTIN & ELISA M E TRS Public hearing to consider construction of a 3,111 square foot single-family dwelling with an attached 649 square foot garage, second story 500 square foot Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit, 477 square feet of covered porches and patios, and associated site improvements including the removal of 33 protected trees and 4 dead or hazardous trees. Project Location: 2819 Congress Road, Pebble Beach, Greater Monterey Peninsula Area Plan Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15303, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2.   None None
PC 25-019 4.PLN240149 - RisdelPlanning ItemPLN240149 - RISDEL INC. AND QUAIL MEADOWS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Consider Early Assessment of a proposed General Plan Amendment to modify Carmel Valley Master Plan Figure LU3 and Section District Map 21-16 to change the land use designation and zoning district of a portion of Parcel 1 (APN: 157-171-032-000) from Residential-Low Density 5-1 acres per unit [LDR/5-1] to Resource Conservation [RC] and Low Density Residential, Building Site, Visual Sensitivity, Residential Allocation Zoning, 20 foot height limit [LDR/B-6-VS-RAZ(20’)] to Open Space, Design Control, Site Plan Review, Residential Zoning Allocation [O-D-S-RAZ], a portion of Parcel 2 (APN: 157-171-033-000) from LDR/5-1 to RC and LDR/B-6-D-RAZ to O-D-S-RAZ, and a portion of Parcel 3 (APN: 157-171-064-000) from RC to LDR/5-1 and O-D-S-RAZ to LDR/B-6-D-RAZ. The project also consists of a lot line adjustment between three lots of record: Parcel 1 (10 acres); Parcel 2 (2.5 acres), and Parcel 3 (181.42 acres), resulting in three parcels containing 9.32 acres (Adjusted Parcel 1), 2.72 acres (Adjusted Parcel 2), 181.88 acres (Adjuste   None None
PC 25-022 5.REFERRAL 22.7 - Pajaro River Levee ImprovementsPlanning ItemREFERRAL 22.7 - PAJARO RIVER LEVEE IMPROVEMENTS AND RECOVERY EFFORTS a. Consider receiving an update from the Pajaro River Flood Management Agency regarding repair and improvements to the Pajaro River Levee; b. Consider receiving an update from staff regarding the Pajaro Long-Term Recovery Planning. c. Provide direction to staff. Project Location: North County Inland Area (Pajaro Community) Proposed CEQA action: Statutory Exemption pursuant to Section 15262 of the CEQA.   None None