AP 24-055
| 1. | PLN240062 - PEBBLE BEACH COMPANY | Administrative Permit | PLN240062 - PEBBLE BEACH COMPANY
Administrative hearing to consider construction of ten solar canopies totaling 44,964 square feet and the removal of 21 parking lot light poles and security cameras.
Project Location: 2701 Congress Road, Pebble Beach
Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15303. | | |
AP 24-056
| 2. | PLN240052 - SAXTON DANNY L & DEBRA M | Administrative Permit | PLN240052 - SAXTON DANNY L & DEBRA M
Continued from the November 6, 2024 Administrative hearing, consider a Lot Line Adjustment between two legal lots of record consisting of APNs 189-491-005-000 and 189-491-006-000 (169,701 square feet) and APNs 189-501-014-000 and 189-501-015-000 (23,166 square feet) resulting in Parcel A (122,802 square feet) and Parcel B (70,065 square feet), respectively.
Project Location: 40 Upper Circle, Carmel Valley, CA 93924
Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15305(a), Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. | | |
AP 24-057
| 3. | PLN240037 - Geng & Chen | Administrative Permit | PLN240037 - GENG WEIKANG & CHEN JUN
Administrative hearing to consider construction of a 1,242 square foot one-story addition to an existing approximately 2,718 sq. ft. one-story single family dwelling inclusive of a two-car garage with replacement of existing garage door to one of black metal with dark gray glass and removal of brick veneer from the existing single family dwelling façade. Board and batten exterior colors and materials to match existing.
Project Location: 4063 Mora Lane, Pebble Beach
Proposed CEQA Action: Find the project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15301. | | |
AP 24-058
| 4. | PLN180517-EXT1 - Echenique Ranch | Administrative Permit | PLN180517-EXT1 - ECHENIQUE RANCH
Administrative hearing to consider a 2-year Permit Extension to a previously-approved Lot Line Adjustment (Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 19-342, HCD-Planning Permit File No. PLN180517) allowing a Lot Line Adjustment between four legal lots of record currently under Williamson Act Contract of 160 acres (Parcel 1), 40 acres (Parcel 2), 160 acres (Parcel 3) and 320 acres (Parcel 4) into four resulting lots of 218 acres (Parcel A), 141 acres (Parcel B), 228 acres (Parcel C) and 93 acres (Parcel D). The lots are under Williamson Act Contract.
Project Location: West of Lockwood San Lucas Road, San Lucas, South County Area Plan
Proposed CEQA action: Finding that the project is an Extension of a permit which was granted with a Class 5 Categorical Exemption of the CEQA Guidelines; circumstances and conditions of the project have not changed and therefore, subsequent environmental review is not required. | | |