Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/14/2017 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Video en Español None  
Agenda packet: None
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File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-0243 2. General Agenda ItemApproval of Consent Calendar (See Supplemental Sheet)approved as amendedPass Action details None
CR 17-036 3.Maria T. (Terry) Gomez Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution commending Maria T. (Terry) Gomez for her dedicated service for over thirty-six years to the County of Monterey upon her retirement. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-035 4.Edward Valverde Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution honoring Edward Valverde upon his retirement from the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) after 24 years of dedicated public service. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-032 5.Marie Aronson Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution recognizing Marie Aronson’s thirty-two years of Service as a Monterey County Deputy District Attorney. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-037 6.Women's History Month Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming March 2017 as Women’s History Month in Monterey County. (Supervisor Adams)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-034 7.Patty Fernandez-Torres Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Patty Fernandez-Torres upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-023 8.Aidee Aldaco Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Aidee Aldaco upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-033 9.Nadarah Liaghati Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Nadereh Liaghati upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-031 10.Joy Anderson Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Joy Anderson upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-030 11.Elsa Rivera Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Elsa Rivera upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-029 12.Donna Brandt Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Donna Brandt upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-028 13.Diana Jimenez Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Diana Jimenez upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-026 14.Clare Mounteer Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Clare Mounteer upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-025 15.Barbara Babcock Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Barbara Babcock upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 17-024 16.Jealous Ceremonial ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution of proclamation honoring Ann Todd Jealous upon her selection as one of ten Outstanding Women of Monterey County for 2017. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
APP 17-048 17.Area Agency on Aging - CudaAppointmentAppoint Aimee Cuda to the Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council, representing an At-Large member for a term ending January 1, 2020. (Full Board)approvedPass Action details None
17-0244 18. General Agenda ItemBoard Comments   Action details None
17-0246 19. General Agenda ItemCAO Comments and Referrals   Action details None
17-0245 20. General Agenda ItemGeneral Public Commentapproved  Action details None
RES 17-025 21.Forecast FY17-18 through FY19-20 - Mar 2017 - BoSBoS Resolutiona. Receive the Monterey County Financial Forecast, which assesses the County’s fiscal condition for the current year and three forecast years (FY 2017-18 through FY 2019-20); b. Adopt a resolution to authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2016-17 Adopted Budget to incorporate the recommended mid-year modifications (4/5th vote required); and c. Receive an oral report from the Resource Management Agency (RMA) on the status of current damages and critical repairs needed in response to the winter storm events.adoptedPass Action details None
17-0236 22.AT&T Presentation on Connect America Fund BuildoutGeneral Agenda ItemReceive a presentation from AT&T on Connect America Fund Phase II funding to provide broadband and voice service access to rural communities in Monterey County.received and filedPass Action details None
17-0248 23.Pilot Project for the Remaining UninsuredGeneral Agenda Itema. Receive a presentation on the Affordable Care Act and potential impact to Monterey County’s Natividad Medical Center and Health Department if repealed; and b. Receive a presentation on Monterey County’ Pilot Project for the Remaining Uninsured; and c. Receive recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee for continuation of Monterey County’s Pilot Project for remaining uninsured; and d. Provide direction to staff regarding next steps.received and filedPass Action details None
A 17-026 24.Authorization to pay an outstanding invoice to Smith and Enright Landscape, Inc.BoS AgreementAuthorize payment to Smith and Enright Landscape, Inc. (“Contractor”) of the balance of Contractor’s final invoice dated, November 2016, in the amount of $2,364 for landscape maintenance services performed prior to the expiration of the agreement on November 30, 2016, but which the amount exceeds the agreement’s maximum liability of $424,771.approved  Action details None
A 16-307 25.Gartner Group Amendment No. 1BoS AgreementAuthorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute amendment No. 1to the agreement with Gartner, Inc. for access to information technology research on a subscription basis, extending the agreement an additional twelve (12) month for the period from April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017 for a revised full term of April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2018 and adding $88,900 for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $174,900.approved  Action details None
A 17-047 26.GE Healthcare Biomed Amendment 3BoS AgreementAuthorize the Deputy Purchasing Agent for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute Amendment No. 3 to the agreement (A-11012) with G.E. Healthcare, Inc. for biomedical services, adding $450,000 for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $2,972,506 with no change to the agreement term of December 15, 2010 through December 14, 2017.approved  Action details None
17-0214 27.Proposition 47 Grant ApplicationGeneral Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau to submit a grant application to the Board of State and Community Corrections for the Proposition 47 Grant Program in an amount up to $6,000,000, to fund mental health services, substance use disorder services, housing related assistance, and community based supportive services for Fiscal Years, 2016-17 thru 2018-19.approved  Action details None
17-0221 28.Increase AppropriationsGeneral Agenda Itema. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2016-17 Behavioral Health Department’s Budget 023-4000-HEA017-8473 to increase appropriations and revenues by $5,366,926 (4/5 vote required); b. Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2016-17 Behavioral Health Department’s Budget 023-4000-HEA017-8473 to reflect the changes in appropriations and revenues.amended  Action details None
17-0228 29.MHSA Housing Loan ProgramGeneral Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Director of Health or Director of Behavioral Health to sign and submit the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Housing Loan Program “Ongoing Annual MHSA Fund Release Authorization for Future Unencumbered Funds” (Attachment A) and “Fund Release Authorization for Existing Unencumbered Funds” Form (Attachment B) to the Department of Health Care Services requesting the California Housing Finance Agency release the amount of $1,600.83 plus accrued interest for FY 2016-17 and release and return all ongoing future unencumbered funds to Monterey County.approved  Action details None
A 17-049 30.BH Crisis Negotiation Team Inter-Agency AgrementBoS AgreementApprove and authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health and the Sheriff to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Monterey County Behavioral Health Crisis Negotiation Team Inter-Agency Agreement with the California State University Monterey Bay, Cities of Carmel, Gonzales, Greenfield, King City, Marina, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Salinas, Sand City, Seaside, and Soledad, adding the Mobile Crisis Team program and the City of Gonzales to the Inter-Agency Agreement for the provision of mental health supportive services to Peace Officers when intervening with individuals during a crisis situation.amended  Action details None
17-0233 31.Amend. 6 UFAGeneral Agenda Itema. Set a public hearing for March 28, 2017 to consider adoption of a resolution to approve Amendment No. 6 to the Unified Franchise Agreement A-11631 (UFA) between the County of Monterey and USA Waste of California, Inc., dba Carmel Marina Corporation, for the Exclusive Collection of Solid Waste and Recyclables in Unincorporated Monterey County in order to amend Exhibit 1 - “Approved Rates and Charges” of said UFA to add rates for expanded food waste collection services to be provided and to approve and authorize the Director of Health to execute Amendment No. 6 to the UFA between the County of Monterey and USA Waste of California, Inc., dba Carmel Marina Corporation, for the Exclusive Collection of Solid Waste and Recyclables in Unincorporated Monterey County; and, b. Direct the Clerk of the Board to publish notice of public hearing.approved  Action details None
A 17-052 32.Lease Agreement 1870 N. Main St.BoS Agreementa. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute a ten (10) year Lease Agreement, commencing upon issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the City of Salinas, between the County and the Gail A. English and Michael P. English Trust Dated October 1, 1987 for approximately 9,745 rental square feet of general office space located at 1870 North Main Street, Salinas, California for use by the Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau. The lease term will commence on or around June 1, 2017, and expire on or around May 31, 2027; and b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make lease payments of $18,410.77 per month in accordance with the terms of the Lease Agreement; and c. Authorize the extension of the Lease Agreement for two (2) additional three-year terms under the same terms and conditions if deemed to be in the best interest of the County by the Contracts/Purchasing Officer.approved  Action details None
RES 17-024 33.LEA Grant ResolutionBoS Resolutiona. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the Monterey County Health Department to submit all documents for the Local Enforcement Agency grant (“LEA”) with the California Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery (“CalRecycle”) as of the date of Board approval or as of March 14, 2017, whichever date is earlier, through December 1, 2020. b. Authorize the Director of Health or Assistant Director of Health to execute all documents associated with the Local Enforcement Agency grant during the period authorized; and to receive funds associated with it to carry out the objectives as outlined in the program as the signature authority.adoptedPass Action details None
A 17-054 34.New Families-ITFC ServicesBoS Agreementa. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services to sign an agreement with New Families for Intensive Treatment Foster Care (ITFC) Services for eligible foster care youth for the period retroactive to July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019; and b. Authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three (3) amendments to this agreement, where the amendment does not significantly change the scope of work.approved  Action details None
RES 17-026 35.Resolution Ext Jan 12 2017 Emerg ProcBoS ResolutionAdopt a resolution to extend the Proclamation of a Local Emergency dated January 12, 2017, ratified on January 19, 2017, and initially reviewed and extended on February 14, 2017, in accordance with California Government Code section 8630 for a succession of significant winter storm events which occurred between January 4, and 12, 2017 that resulted in significant damage to public infrastructure and private property within Monterey County. (4/5ths vote required)adoptedPass Action details None
17-0182 36.General Financial Policies FY 2017-18 - BoSGeneral Agenda Itema. Receive the annual update to the County’s General Financial Policies including technical corrections and a new debt management section. b. Provide direction to staff.amended  Action details None
RES 17-027 37.Parks Budget Amendments FY 16-17 for LSRA - Mar 2017 - BoSBoS ResolutionAdopt a resolution to: a. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2016-17 adopted budget to increase appropriations and revenue by $3,233,442 in the Laguna Seca Track, 001-7500-8146-PAR001, where the funding is provided by operational revenue (4/5th vote required); and b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2016-17 adopted budget to increase appropriations by $1,740,000 in Special Events, 001-7500-8150-PAR001, where the financing source is the release of $1,740,000 from the Laguna Seca Track Maintenance and Repairs Assignment fund balance, 001-3129 (4/5th vote required). c. Provide direction to staff.adoptedPass Action details None
17-0249 37.1Increase Salary Range of classification of Physician Assistant and Abolish classifications of Physician Assistant I and IIGeneral Agenda ItemAdopt a Resolution to: a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 and Appendices A and B to increase the salary range of the classification of Physician Assistant and to abolish the classifications of Physician Assistant I and II as indicated in the attached Resolution; b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make retroactive payment to impacted employees effective February 4, 2017; and c. Direct the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system.approvedPass Action details None
17-0199 38.MRWPC Wastewater MOUGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Director of Resource Management Agency to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency for the preparation of a Focused Wastewater Service Area Study that will provide a current assessment of regional opportunities for sewer service area consolidation, including a Basis of Design for infrastructure to serve the Toro Area, in the amount of $100,425; and. b. Approve and authorize the Director of Resource Management Agency to approve one (1) future amendment that does not exceed ten percent (10%) or $10,043 of the original Agreement amount and does not significantly alter the scope of service, for a total Not-to-Exceed amount of $110,468.amended  Action details None
17-0200 39.Smith & Enright Landscaping AgreementGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve Standard Agreement with Smith & Enright Landscaping, Inc. to provide landscape and open space maintenance services for County Service Area (CSA) 15 which includes Toro Park Estates, Serra Village, Toro Creek Estates, and Toro Sunshine under Request for Proposals (RFP) #10596, in an amount not to exceed $113,175, for a period of three (3) years beginning March 7, 2017 to March 7, 2020, with the option to extend the Agreement for two (2) additional one (1) year period(s); and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute the Standard Agreement and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amount.approved  Action details None
17-0201 40.A2 to SA with JGPG, dba GreenlineGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Standard Agreement with JGPG Corporation dba Greenline Underground Plumbing Video to: include storm drain pumping, storm drain jetting and storm drain and septic system video inspections and continue to provide on-call grease trap and sewer lift station pumping to vacuum and dispose of wastewater sludge; water jetting to clean grease traps, sewer lines, and sewer lift stations; and video inspection of sewer lines at County facilities; update the hourly rates; and increase the not to exceed amount of $20,000 by $300,000 for a total amount not to exceed $320,000, with no extension to the Agreement’s term of February 15, 2015 to February 15, 2018; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Standard Agreement.approved  Action details None
ORD 17-002 41.2016 Adoption of Building Standards CodeOrdinanceIntroduce, waive reading and set April 18, 2017, at 10:30 a.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance: a. To make express findings that County amendments to the 2016 California Building Standards Code are reasonably necessary due to local climatic, geological or topographical conditions; and b. To repeal the 2013 California Building Standards Code with County amendments and adopt the 2016 California Building Standards Code with County amendments.approved  Action details None
17-0224 42.CSG Consultants Am #1General Agenda Itema. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with CSG Consultants, Inc. to: include additional construction inspection services for demolition and construction of infrastructure improvements for Phase 3 at the East Garrison Subdivision; increase the not to exceed amount of $96,400 by $93,160 for a total amount not to exceed $189,560; and extend the expiration date from April 30, 2017 for twenty-six (26) additional months through June 30, 2019, for a revised term from May 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement and execute future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amount.approved  Action details None
A 17-053 43. BoS Agreementa. Approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement (Multi-Year Agreement (MYA) #3000 *1216) with Kasavan Architects, Inc. to continue to provide services associated with on-call architectural and engineering design services for various correctional projects located in Monterey County, to increase the not to exceed amount of $100,000 by $100,000 for a total amount not to exceed $200,000, and extend the expiration date from April 25, 2017 for one (1) additional year through April 25, 2018, for a revised term from April 25, 2014 to April 25, 2018, with the option to extend the term for one (1) additional one (1) year period; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amount.approved  Action details None