Meeting Name: Legislative Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/9/2018 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Monterey Room, 2nd Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: None Video en EspaƱol None  
Agenda packet: None
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
18-386  03.12.2018 LC draft minutesGeneral Agenda Item1. Consider adoption of the action minutes from the March 12, 2018, Legislative Committee meeting.   Action details None
18-385  Water Resources Agency reportGeneral Agenda Item2. Receive reports and provide direction on legislative or other actions related to the Interlake Tunnel Project - White Bass Issue   Action details None
18-387  Federal ReportGeneral Agenda Item3. Receive reports, provide direction, and consider positions and/or recommendations to the Board of Superviso. rs on: a. FY 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Act b. FY 2019 Transportation Funding c. Letter to FEMA on Disaster Assistance d. EPA Proposed Rule to Revise Automobile Emission Standards e. Municipal Bond Provision in Senate Banking Bill f. 2020 Census Question on Citizenship g. Receive Federal Bill/Issues Track   Action details None
18-388  State Report 04.2018General Agenda Item4. Receive reports, provide direction, and consider positions and/or recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on: a. Cannabis Cultivation Legislative Proposal b. AB 3157 (Lackey) Taxation: cannabis. c. AB 2006 (Eggman) Agricultural Worker Clean Transportation Investment Act d. AB 1893 (Maienschein) Maternal mental health: federal funding e. AB 2018 (Maienschein) Mental health workforce planning: loan forgiveness, loan repayment, and scholarship programs f. ACR 180 (Waldron) Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month g. AB 3068 (Daly) County government: officers: auditor h. AB 1886 (Carrillo) Payment of expenses i. AB 2430 (Arambula) Medi-Cal: payment for aged and disabled persons j. AB 2772 (Medina) Ethnic Studies k. Opportunities to Invest in Affordable Housing and Combat Homelessness l. Greenfield Courthouse m. Receive State Bill/Issues Track   Action details None
18-390  Grant Report 04.2018General Agenda Item5. Receive reports, provide direction, and/or consider recommendations to the Board of Supervisors on: a. Interlake Tunnel Project b. California Coastal Conservancy Proposition 1 Funding c. Department of Boating and Waterways: California Shoreline Erosion Control & Public Beach Restoration Grant (Carmel Lagoon) d. San Lucas Safe Drinking Water e. Receive Grant Track   Action details None