Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Water Resources Agency Board of Directors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/18/2025 8:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Join via Zoom at or Cayenne Room, 1441 Schilling Place, Salinas, Ca 93901
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: None Video en Español None  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
WRAG 25-023 1.Closed Session - Feb BoDWR General AgendaClosed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items: a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will provide a performance evaluation for the General Manager. Note: Continuance of Closed Session to be held at the conclusion of the Board's Regular Agenda, or at any other time during the course of the meeting announced by the Chairperson of the Board. The public may comment on Closed Session items prior to the Board's recess to Closed Session.   None None
WRAG 25-028 2.Appoint BMAC Members - BoDWR General AgendaAppoint committee members to the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Basin Management Advisory Committee.   None None
WRAG 25-016 3.January Action Minutes - BODWR General AgendaApprove the Action Minutes of January 21, 2025.   None None
WRAG 25-017 4.FY24 WRA Financial Final - BoDWR General AgendaReceive the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Fiscal Year 2023-24 Financial Report. (Staff: Nan K. Kim)   None None
WRAG 25-022 5.Balance Hydrologics Agreement - BoDWR General AgendaAuthorize the General Manager to execute an Agreement for Services (“Agreement”) with Balance Hydrologics for a total contract amount not to exceed $142,300 to complete hydraulic modeling for the Carmel River Flooding Impacts Study; and authorize the General Manager to execute up to two no-cost amendments to the Agreement. (Staff: Amy Woodrow)   None None
WRAG 25-029 6.HR 471 Fix Our Forests Act - BoDWR General AgendaAuthorize the General Manager to initiate support for Bill HR471, the Fix Our Forests Act. (Staff: Ara Azhderian)   None None
WRAG 25-030 7.HR338 the Every Drop Counts Act - BoDWR General AgendaAuthorize the General Manager to initiate support for Bill HR338, the Every Drop Counts Act. (Staff: Ara Azhderian)   None None
WRAG 25-018 8.FlowWest Agreement - BoDWR General AgendaApprove an Agreement for Services with FlowWest, Inc. in the dollar amount of $275,000 for work to be performed related to the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Flood Emergency Response Project (Project). (Staff: Peter Kwiek)   None None
WRAG 25-019 9.Amend No.1 Chapin -Blanco Drain Culvert - BoDWR General AgendaApprove Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Services with Don Chapin Company for a dollar amount increase of $5,000, not to exceed $131,000 for the repair of a damaged section of culvert at the Blanco drainage ditch. (Staff: Jason Demers)   None None
WRAG 25-027 10.Amend #1 Teichert Construction - BoDWR General AgendaApprove Amendment No. 1 to the Service Agreement with A. Teichert & Son, Inc. dba Teichert Construction for on-call repair services for CSIP, to extend the term length to July 31st, 2027, and a dollar increase of $150,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $250,000; and authorize the General Manager to execute Amendment No. 1. (Staff: Peter Vannerus)   None None
WRAG 25-026 11.S&P Credit Rating Evaluation - BoDWR General AgendaAuthorize the General Manager to initiate an S&P Global Credit Rating Evaluation in the fiscal-year ending 2026. (Staff: Ara Azhderian)   None None
WRAG 25-020 12.SVBGSA Subgrant Round 1 Amend No.3 - BoDWR General AgendaAuthorize the General Manager to enter into Amendment No. 3 to the Subgrant Agreement between the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency and Monterey County Water Resources Agency, related to Grant Agreement Number 4600014638 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Implementation Grant, to increase the subgrant eligible fund amount by $1,302 for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,481,302; and revise the work plan. (Staff: Shaunna Murray)   None None
WRAG 25-021 13.SVBGSA Subgrant Round 2 Amendment - BoDWR General AgendaAuthorize the General Manager to enter into an Amended Subgrant Agreement with the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency to receive funding for services in support of Sustainable Groundwater Management Round 2 Implementation Grants #4600015881 (SVBGSA) and #4600015624 (MCWDGSA), in the amount not to exceed $400,000; and recommend that the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute up to two no-cost amendments to the Subgrant Agreement. (Staff: Shaunna Murray)   None None
WRAG 25-024 14.2024 Annual GWL Contours - BoDWR General Agenda2024 Annual Groundwater Elevation Contours and Cumulative Change Chart. (Staff: Guillermo Diaz-Moreno)   None None
WRAG 25-025 15.Reservoir Storage & Release Update - BoDWR General AgendaReservoir Storage Release Update. (Staff: Chris Calderon and Peter Kwiek)   None None