PC 25-016
| 1. | PLN240004 - Griffith | Planning Item | PLN240004 - GRIFFITH RICHARD S & NANCY S TRS
Public hearing to consider recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve a Final Map Amendment to adjust the Homeland Boundary of Lot 38 of the Santa Lucia Preserve Phase A Subdivision Map, and construction of a 6,330 square foot single family dwelling inclusive of an attached 889 square foot garage, 1,191 square foot basement, a 407 square foot covered porch, and associated site improvements.
Project Location: 1 Rumsen Trace, Carmel.
Proposed CEQA Action: Consider an Addendum to a previously certified Environmental Impact Report pursuant to Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines. | | |
PC 25-015
| 2. | PLN210306 - Carmel Self Storage LLC | Planning Item | PLN210306 - CARMEL SELF STORAGE LLC
Public hearing to consider construction of a 68,760 square foot two-story self-storage facility with an office and bathroom (5 buildings), removal of one oak tree, and associated drainage, driveway, and fencing improvements partially within 200 feet of the Carmel River floodplain.
Project Location: terminus of Center Street near corner with Berwick, Carmel Valley, Carmel Valley Master Plan
Proposed CEQA action: Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15074 of the CEQA Guidelines | | |