Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 7/31/2012 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Video en Español None  
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Attachments: MCWRA Final Revised Agenda, Successor Agency to RDA 7-31-12
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
CS 12-025 1.Closed Session BoS 07-31-12Closed SessionClosed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items: a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(a), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: (1) LandWatch Monterey County v. County of Monterey (Monterey County Superior Court case no. M109434) (2) The Open Monterey Project v. Monterey County Board of Supervisors (Monterey County Superior Court case no. M109441) (3) Carmel Valley Association, Inc. v. Board of Supervisors of the County of Monterey (Monterey County Superior Court case no. M109442) (4) Salinas Valley Water Coalition, et al. v. County of Monterey (Monterey County Superior Court case no. M109451) b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation. c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(c), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding liability claims against the County of Monterey. (1) Guillermina Ortiz Saenz (2) Keaton Belliston, et al. d. Pursuant to Government Code section    Action details None
12-708 2. General Agenda ItemApprove Consent Calendar - Regular (See Supplemental Sheet, item 14 through 32)approvedPass Action details None
CR 12-062 3.Breastfeeding Awareness Month ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionResolution proclaiming the Month of August 2012 as “Breastfeeding Awareness Month” in the County of Monterey. (Supervisor Potter)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 12-063 4.David Lutes ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionResolution commending David E. Lutes for his 25 years of dedicated public service to the County of Monterey. (Supervisor Potter)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 12-066 4.1Child Support Awareness Month ResolutionCeremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution declaring August 2012 as “Child Support Awareness Month” in Monterey County. (Supervisor Potter) ADDED VIA ADDENDUMadoptedPass Action details None
12-712 8.Assemblymember Alejo Legislative Update 7-31-12General Agenda ItemLegislative Update by Assemblymember Luis Alejo   Action details None
12-677 9.Law Library Board of Trustees AppointmentGeneral Agenda ItemConsider appointment of Berkley Brannon to the Monterey County Law Library Board of Trustees. (Chair Potter)approvedPass Action details None
12-664 10.Michael and Vicky KINGGeneral Agenda ItemPublic hearing to: a. Adopt a Resolution to approve an additional two year extension request for an approved Lot Line Adjustment for Michael and Vicky Wing (Permit No. PLN050620, Board of Supervisors Resolution No.07-0340); and b. Amend Conditions of Approval adopted per Resolution No. 07-340. (Williamson Act - PLN110514/Wing, 73000 Highway 198, Coalinga, South County Area)approvedPass Action details None
12-681 11.Oral Presentation Referral 2012.04General Agenda ItemAccept an oral presentation from the Interim Health Officer and the Program Manager of the Planning, Evaluation and Policy Unit regarding County support for Early Childhood Development, as requested by Board of Supervisors Referral #2012.04.   Action details None
A 12-152 12.Hartnell Nursing Grant AgreementBoS AgreementConduct a public hearing to consider and approve: a. Nursing Program Grant Agreement (“Agreement”) with Hartnell College Foundation to provide Hartnell Community College District with Grant funds to meet the direct costs of the Nursing Program of the Hartnell Community College, in an amount not to exceed $175,000 for the period July 31, 2012 to June 30, 2013, with an option for Natividad Medical Center to extend term for up to two additional years (4/5th Vote Required); and b. Resolution finding that the expenditure of funds from the Natividad Medical Center (“NMC”) Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Budget to underwrite the Agreement has a direct and primary public purpose, benefiting Monterey County, in general, and Natividad Medical Center (“NMC”), in particular (4/5th Vote Required); and c. Authorizing the Purchasing Manager for NMC to execute the Agreement in an amount not to exceed $175,000 for the period July 31, 2012 to June 30, 2013 (4/5th Vote Required). REMOVED VIA SUPPLEMENTAL   Action details None
A 12-154 12.1Hartnell Grant AgreementBoS AgreementConduct a public hearing to consider and approve: a. Nursing Program Grant Agreement (“Agreement”) with Hartnell College Foundation to provide Hartnell Community College District with Grant funds to meet the direct costs of the Nursing Program of Hartnell Community College, in an amount not to exceed $175,000 for the period July 31, 2012 to June 30, 2013, with an option for Natividad Medical Center (“NMC”) to extend term for up to two additional years (4/5th Vote Required); and b. Letter Agreement with Hartnell Community College District authorizing release of College faculty members from Nursing Program to work on-site at on NMC projects for the period July 31, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and for an additional two years should the Agreement with Hartnell College Foundation be extended (4/5 Vote Required). c. Resolution finding that the expenditure of funds from the NMC Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Budget to underwrite the Agreement has a direct and primary public purpose, benefiting Monterey County, in general, and NMC, in particular (4/5th Vote Required); d. Authorizing the Purchasing ManagapprovedPass Action details None
ORD 12-021 13.South County Housing CorporationOrdinancePublic hearing to consider actions pertaining to the Camphora Apartment Replacement Project, including: a. Adoption of a Negative Declaration; b. Adoption of an Ordinance to rezone a 4.6 acre parcel to add an Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) Zoning District to the existing F/40 Farmland Zoning designation; and c. Approve a Use Permit to allow for the demolition of 44 substandard farmworker housing units and the construction of 44 new farmworker housing units. (Rezone and Use Permit - PLN100446/Camphora Apartment Replacement Project, 32101 McCoy Road, Soledad, Central Salinas Valley Area Plan)adoptedPass Action details None
ORD 12-020 13.1Elimination of Minor & Standard Subdivison Committees (Coastal)OrdinancePublic hearing to consider adoption of a Resolution of Intent to: a. Find the proposed ordinance statutorily exempt b. Adopt an ordinance amending Title 19 (coastal subdivision ordinance) and Title 20 (Monterey County Coastal Implementation Plan, Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4) of the Monterey County Code to change the process for consideration of applications for subdivisions and lot line adjustments in the unincorporated coastal zone of the County, including dissolving the County of Monterey’s Minor and Standard Subdivision Committees, designating the Monterey County Planning Commission as the appropriate authority to consider applications for minor subdivisions and lot line adjustments in the coastal zone, and updating the lot line adjustment and filing standards in coastal Title 19 to conform to changes in state law; c. Certify that the ordinance is intended to be carried out fully in conformity with the Coastal Act; and d. Direct staff to transmit the proposed ordinance to the California Coastal Commission for certification together with materials sufficient for a thorough and compcontinuedPass Action details None
A 12-140 14.Advanced Gastroenterology of Monterey County First AmendmentBoS AgreementAuthorize the Purchasing Manager for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) to execute the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Advanced Gastroenterology of Monterey County to provide gastroenterology services at NMC, extending the Agreement to July 31, 2013 and adding $180,000 for a revised total Agreement amount not to exceed $380,000 in the aggregate.approved  Action details None
A 12-147 15.SALINAS VALLEY PLASTIC SURGERY FIRST AMENDMENTBoS AgreementAuthorize the Purchasing Manager for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) to execute the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Salinas Valley Plastic Surgery Associates to provide plastic surgery services at NMC, extending the Agreement to August 31, 2013 and adding $200,000 for a revised total Agreement amount not to exceed $400,000 in the aggregate.approved  Action details None
A 12-148 16.NMC Exterior Door ReplacementBoS Agreementa. Approve the Plans and Specifications for the Natividad Medical Center, Project #9600-28 - Building 500, Emergency Department Exterior Door Replacement, Bid #NMC-1003 for contractors to bid on construction; and b. Authorize the Clerk of the Board to advertise the “Notice to Contractors” in The Californian on August 6, and 13, 2012.approved  Action details None
A 12-143 17.Chamberlain's Children CenterBoS Agreementa. Approve and authorize the Director of Health to sign a Mental Health Services Agreement (February 1, 2012-June 30, 2012, FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14) with Chamberlain’s Children Center for the provision of mental health services in the amount of $81,226.92 for FY 2011-12, $196,340.80 for FY 2012-13 and $196,340.80 for FY 2013-14, for a total of $473,908.52, for the period February 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014; and b. Authorize the Director of Health to approve up to three (3) future amendments that do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the annual amount, which does not significantly alter the scope of work or result in an increase to General Fund Contribution.approved  Action details None
12-659 18.Mental Health Services Act Annual UpdateGeneral Agenda ItemAdopt the Monterey County FY 2012-13 Mental Health Services Act Annual Update.approved  Action details None
12-666 19.AspiranetGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social and Employment Services, or his designee, to sign an agreement with Moss Beach Homes/dba Aspiranet for $172,000 for the operation of the CHERISH Receiving Center for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013; and b. Authorize the Director of the Department of Social and Employment Services, or his designee, to sign up to (3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.approved  Action details None
12-667 20.AlisalGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social & Employment Services, or his designee, to sign a contract with Alisal Union School District for $101,250 to provide meals to Monterey County seniors for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013; and b. Authorize the Director of the Department of Social & Employment Services, or his designee, to sign up to three (3) amendments to this agreement, where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.approved  Action details None
12-698 21.PREP PositionGeneral Agenda Itema. Reallocate a vacant 1.0 FTE Supervising Office Assistant II to a 1.0 FTE Chronic Disease Prevention Specialist II in Health Department Budget Unit HEA003-8124; and b. Authorize the County Administrative Office to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY 2012-13 Adopted Budget.approved  Action details None
12-713 21.1IHSSGeneral Agenda ItemApprove and adopt a tentative agreement with Service Employees International Union (SEIU) United Long Term Care Workers , representing In Home Supportive Services Providers for a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the period of March 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013.approved  Action details None
RES 12-0071 22. BoS ResolutionApprove a Resolution: a. Approving the Office of Emergency Services to submit an application in the amount of $368,431 for the Homeland Security Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 Grant Program; and, b. Designating and authorizing as Monterey County representatives, the appropriate Auditor-Controller staff, Emergency Services Manager and Planner to execute grant documents.adoptedPass Action details None
RES 12-0073 23. BoS ResolutionApprove a Resolution designating County staff positions to authorize and execute documents and applications for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance with the Fiscal Year 2012 Emergency Management Performance Grant.adoptedPass Action details None
A 12-151 24.Historical Society 7-31-2012 Agreement for Historical RecordsBoS Agreementa. Approve an Agreement with the Monterey County Historical Society for the Care, Custody and Control of Certain Records. b. Authorize the Chair of the Board to sign the agreement.approved  Action details None
12-656 25.Get ConnectedGeneral Agenda ItemAdopt a Resolution supporting the County of Monterey’s participation in Get Connected!, a program launched by the California Emerging Technology Fund that promotes digital literacy and high-speed internet connectivity for residents both in the home and at school.approvedPass Action details None
12-701 26.Appointment of Gene Rogers as Interim Assistant CAOBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution confirming the appointment of Mr. Gene Rogers as Interim Assistant County Administrative OfficeradoptedPass Action details None
12-683 27. General Agenda ItemAdopt a resolution approving the proposed Resolution of Intention and Boundary Map for the Aromas Water District's proposed Assessment District No. 2012-1.   Action details None
12-702 28.Richard VillalobosGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve the Parcel Map for a minor subdivision to divide an approximately 80.6 acre parcel into two (2) parcels of approximately 40 and 40.6 acres; and b. Direct the Clerk of the Board to submit the Parcel Map and Deed Notices to the County Recorder for filing. (Parcel Map - PLN060177/Villalobos; 379, 383 and 387 San Benancio Road, Toro Area Plan)approved  Action details None
A 12-153 29.Lease Agreement Health 1615 Bunker Hill RdBoS Agreementa. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute a two year Lease Agreement, effective on or around September 1, 2012, with Creekbridge Office Center II, LLC, for approximately 1,266 rentable square feet of space located at 1615 Bunker Hill Road, Suite 210, in Salinas, California, for use by the Health Department’s Clinic Services Bureau; b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make lease payments of $2,532 per month and in accordance with the terms of the agreement; and c. Authorize the extension of the Lease Agreement for two additional one-year periods under the same terms and conditions, and make minor revisions to the Lease Agreement if deemed by the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to be in the best interests of the County.approved  Action details None
RES 12-0072 30.NOC MCM Const Lonoak Rd Bridge Lewis CkBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution: a. Accepting the Certificate of Completion for construction of the Lonoak Road Bridge at Lewis Creek, County Bridge No. 402, State Bridge No. 44C-0158, Project No. 11-220565, State Project No. EA 05-927094L, Federal Aid Project No. BRLOZB-5944(035), performed by MCM Construction, Inc.; and b. Authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute and record the Notice of Completion for the Lonoak Road Bridge at Lewis Creek, County Bridge No. 402, State Bridge No. 44C-0158, Project No. 11-220565, State Project No. EA 05-927094L, Federal Aid Project No. BRLOZB-5944 (035), performed by MCM Construction, Inc.adoptedPass Action details None
RES 12-0076 31.Sale Surplus Real Property San Lucas 54692 TeresaBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution: a. Determining County-owned real property improvements of two buildings located at 54692 Teresa Street, San Lucas, California, is surplus real property with a value less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), and is no longer necessary for County or other public purposes; b. Adopting a Notice of Intention pursuant Government Code Section 25526.5 for sale of surplus real property improvements consisting of two buildings located at 54692 Teresa Street, San Lucas, California; c. Authorizing the Clerk of the Board to publish Notice of Intent to Sell; d. Approving the Closed Bid Procedures and Transfer Agreement; e. Authorizing the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to receive bids until 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15, 2012; f. Authorizing the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to read the bids at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, accept oral bids, and declare the highest responsible bid; g. Authorizing the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute and record the Transfer Agreement, Quitclaim Deed, and any related documents to complete the sale when the sale is readoptedPass Action details None
A 12-149 32.Telfer Oil Contract Procurement Asphalt EmulsionBoS Agreementa. Award a contract to Telfer Oil Company, the lowest responsible bidder, for the Procurement (Delivery and Application) of Asphalt Emulsion for the Seal Coat 2012 Project, Project No. 13-551327, in the total amount of $433,628.28; b. Approve the Performance and Payment Bonds executed and provided by Telfer Oil Company; c. Authorize a contingency (not to exceed 10% of the contract amount) to provide funding for approved contract change orders; and d. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the contract and subject to the terms of the Public Contract Code approve change orders to the contract that do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount and do not significantly change the scope of work.approved  Action details None