BCSD A 19-001
| 1. | It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors, acting as the Board of Directors of the Boronda County Sanitation District:
a. Approve Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. A-12523 with MCSI Water Systems Management to continue to provide services associate | BCSD Agreement | a. Approve Amendment No. 6 to Agreement No. A-12523 with MCSI Water Systems Management to continue to provide services associated with the management, maintenance, and operation of the San Jerardo Water System, Request for Proposals #10355, to: update rates for additional services; extend the expiration date for one (1) additional year through March 31, 2020, for a revised term from July 30, 2013 to March 31, 2020; and increase the not-to-exceed amount of $381,584 by $70,000, for a total amount not to exceed $451,584; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement. | approved | Fail |
Action details