CS 25-009
| 1. | BoS 02-18-2025 Closed Session | Closed Session | Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding existing litigation:
(1) Erika Kaye (Workers' Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ12732443)
(2) Erika Kaye (Workers' Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ12731774)
(3) Erika Kaye (Workers' Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ12731777)
(4) Merlina Perez (Workers' Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ18015038)
(5) Merlina Perez (Workers' Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ20426261)
(6) Brian Kennedy (Workers' Compensation Appeals Board No.ADJ19247217)
(7) Brian Kennedy (Workers' Compensation Appeals Board No. ADJ13187217)
(8) County of Monterey v. Life Foundation Monterey, LLC; Monterey County Superior Court Case No. 24CV004599
(9) Life Foundation Monterey, LLC v. County of Monterey; Monterey County Superior Court Case No. 25CV000752
b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation.
c. Pursuant to Govern | | |
Action details
CR 25-008
| 2. | Ceremonial Resolution - Alvaro Marquez Gazcon | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring Alvaro Marquez Gazcon for his exemplary service to the County of Monterey. (Supervisor Lopez) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
CR 25-009
| 3. | Ceremonial Resolution - Kathryn Eckert | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring County of Monterey’s Behavioral Health Bureau Chief Kathryn Eckert, on her retirement after 28 years of dedicated public service with four (4) years of service to the residents of Monterey County. (Supervisor Lopez) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
CR 25-010
| 4. | Ceremonial Resolution - CSUMB All Black Gala | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring the California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) All Black Gala. (Supervisor Askew) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-021
| 5. | Notification to Clerk of Appt - Martha Zarate | Appointment | Appoint Martha Zarate to the Commission On The Status Of Women as a District 3 to fill an unexpired term ending on February 01, 2027 (District Specific - District 3, Supervisor Lopez) | appointed | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-023
| 6. | Notification to Clerk of Appt - Scott Funk | Appointment | Reappoint Scott Funk to the Fish & Game Advisory Commission as a District 3 Representative with a term ending on February 1, 2028. (District Specific - District 3, Supervisor Lopez) | reappointed | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-024
| 7. | Notification to Clerk of Appt - Joe Sanchez | Appointment | Appoint Joe Sanchez to the Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Advisory Commission as a District 3 Representative with a term ending on December 31, 2028 (District Specific - District 3, Supervisor Lopez) | appointed | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-025
| 8. | Appointment - Roderick W. Franks | Appointment | Appoint Roderick W. Franks to the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council with a term ending at the Pleasure of the Board. (Nominated by the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council) | appointed | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-026
| 9. | Notification to Clerk of Appt - Rosalie Sanchez | Appointment | Appoint Rosalie Sanchez to the Commission On The Status Of Women representing as a District 3 Representative with a term end date of February 01, 2028 (District Specific - District 3, Supervisor Lopez) | appointed | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-027
| 10. | Appointment - Rosalie Sanchez | Appointment | Appoint Rosalie Sanchez to the Community Restorative Justice Commission as a District 3 Representative with a term ending on February 18, 2028 (District Specific - District 3, Supervisor Lopez) | appointed | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-028
| 11. | Appointment - Kevin Kreyenhagen | Appointment | Reappoint Kevin Kreyenhagen to the Fish & Game Advisory Commission as a District 5 Representative with a term ending on February 1, 2028. (District Specific - District 5, Supervisor Daniels) | reappointed | Pass |
Action details
APP 25-029
| 12. | Appointment - Shawne Ellerbee | Appointment | Appoint Shawne Ellerbee to the Parks Commission as a District 5 Representative with a term ending on February 1, 2029. (District Specific - District 5, Supervisor Daniels) | appointed | Pass |
Action details
OBM 25-017
| 13. | See Supplemental Sheet | Other Board Matters | See Supplemental Sheet | approved on consent calendar | |
Action details
RES 25-020
| 15. | Vacation Rental Ordinances Staffing Request | BoS Resolution | Adopt a resolution to:
a. Amend the budget for Housing and Community Development (HCD) - Fund 001, Appropriation Unit HCD002, Unit 8543 to add the following four positions: two Code Compliance Inspector II, one Permit Technician III, and one Associate Planner;
b. Authorize Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the approved position changes in the FY2024-25 HCD Adopted Budget; and
c. Direct Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 16. | County of Monterey 2025 Title VI Implementation Plan | General Agenda Item | a. Receive a presentation of the County of Monterey 2025 Title VI Implementation Plan Update;
b. Approve and adopt the County of Monterey 2025 Title VI Implementation Plan;
c. Authorize the County Administrative Officer to execute the approved County of Monterey 2025 Title VI Implementation Plan;
d. Authorize the Civil Rights Officer to execute the approved County of Monterey 2025 Title VI Implementation Plan; and
e. Direct the Civil Rights Office to implement the County of Monterey 2025 Title VI Implementation Plan. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 17. | County of Monterey Community Impact Action Plan 2025-2030 | General Agenda Item | a. Receive a presentation of the County of Monterey Community Impact Action Plan 2025-2030;
b. Approve and adopt the County of Monterey Community Impact Action Plan 2025-2030;
c. Authorize the County Administrative Officer to execute the approved County of Monterey Community Impact Action Plan 2025-2030;
d. Authorize the Civil Rights Officer to execute the approved County of Monterey Community Impact Action Plan 2025-2030; and
e. Direct the Civil Rights Office to implement the County of Monterey Community Impact Action Plan 2025-2030 | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 18. | Conduct a review, provide input, and consider approval of the draft County of Monterey Strategic Plan | General Agenda Item | Conduct a review, provide input, and consider approval of the draft County of Monterey Strategic Plan for the period of 2025-2028. | approved | Pass |
Action details
OBM 25-019
| 19. | New Referrals | Other Board Matters | New Referrals | no comments made and referrals read | |
Action details
OBM 25-020
| 20. | County Administrative Officer Comments | Other Board Matters | County Administrative Officer Comments | made | |
Action details
OBM 25-021
| 21. | Board Comments | Other Board Matters | Board Comments | made | |
Action details
A 24-547
| 22. | Phreesia, Inc. Agreement | BoS Agreement | a. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute an agreement with Phreesia, Inc. for access passport electronic form services at NMC for an amount not to exceed $277,030 with an agreement term retroactive from October 31, 2024 through October 30, 2027.
b. Approve the NMC’s Chief Executive Officer’s recommendation to accept non-standard provisions within the service agreement.
c. Approve the NMC’s Chief Executive Officer’s recommendation to accept non-standard provisions within the business associate agreement.
d. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center or his designee to execute up to three (3) future amendments to the agreement which do not significantly alter the scope of work and do not cause an increase of more than 10% ($27,703) of the original cost of the agreement, for total contract liability of ($304,733). | approved | Pass |
Action details
A 25-014
| 23. | Everbridge, Inc. Amendment No. 5 | BoS Agreement | Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute renewal and amendment No. 5 to the agreement (A-14560) with Everbridge, Inc. for critical event management software services, extending the agreement an additional one (1) year period (January 30, 2025 through January 29, 2026) for a revised full agreement term of January 30, 2018 through January 29, 2026 and adding $40,760 for a revised total Agreement amount of $290,605. | approved | Pass |
Action details
A 25-018
| 24. | B.E. Smith, Inc. Renewal and Amendment No. 5 | BoS Agreement | Authorize the Chief Executive Officer for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) or his designee to execute renewal and amendment No. 5 to the agreement (A-13995) with B.E. Smith, Inc. for interim management-level services at NMC, extending the agreement for an additional one year term (January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025) for a revised full agreement term of July 18, 2018 through December 31, 2025, with no change to the total contract amount of $1,300,000. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 25. | Natividad's Assembly Bill 1882 Status | General Agenda Item | Receive annual update on the status of compliance with the Structural Performance Category ratings of the buildings on the Natividad Medical Center campus, and on the services provided in each building, as required by Assembly Bill (AB) 1882 (Chapter 584), Statutes of 2022 until compliance with the seismic safety standards outlined in the Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Facilities Seismic Safety Act of 1983 is achieved. | approved | Pass |
Action details
A 25-030
| 26. | 1611 Bunker Hill Ste. 120 Lease Amendment No. 5 | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Contracts and Purchasing Officer or designee to execute a three (3) year Lease Amendment No. 5, to Lease Agreement A-12410, effective March 1, 2025 with Ito Farms, Inc. (Lessor) for approximately 3,872 rentable square feet of space located at 1611 Bunker Hill Road, Suite 120, Salinas, California, for use by the Health Department’s Behavioral Health Bureau (Health); and
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to make lease payments starting at $8,848 per month for the first year of the extension period in accordance with the terms and adjusted rent schedule outlined in the Lease Agreement. | approved | Pass |
Action details
A 25-034
| 27. | SNIP Amendment No. 1 | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-17082 with Spay Neuter Imperative Project (SNIP) for the provision of all-inclusive spay/neuter clinics for domestic and feral cats of residents in unincorporated Monterey County communities, the City of Salinas, and Shelter Sniptember Clinics, adding $37,500 for a new total Agreement amount of $352,500, with no change to the Agreement term of September 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to two future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed 10% ($31,500) of the original Agreement amount, do not significantly change the scope of work, and the total Agreement amount does not exceed $384,000. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 28. | Thermo Scientific TruNarc Handheld Narcotics Analyzer | General Agenda Item | a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,762 for the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail; and
b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner's Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,762 Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of a Thermo Scientific TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer for the Jail. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| r29. | Metrasens Ultra Portable Contraband Detectors | General Agenda Item | a. Approve and Authorize an increase in appropriations and estimated revenues of $37,685 for the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s Adopted Budget, Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors; and
b. Approve and Authorize the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY2024-25 Sheriff-Coroner’s Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations and estimated revenues by $37,685 Fund 001, Appropriation Unit SHE003, financed by an operating transfer from 2011 Public Safety Realignment, Fund 022, Appropriation Unit PRO002, for funding the one-time purchase of two (2) Metrasens Ultra portable contraband detectors. | approved | Pass |
Action details
| 29.1 | Sheriff's Court Commander Position | General Agenda Item | a. Add one FTE Commander position in the Sheriff’s Budget Unit, 001-2300-SHE003-8234 funded by the Trial Court Security Account; and
b. Direct and Authorize the Auditor-Controller’s Office to increase appropriations in Fiscal Year 2024-2025 by $76,500 in Budget Unit 001-2300-SHE003-8234 financed by increased revenues from Trial Court Security Account in the amount of $76,500 in Budget Unit 001-2300-SHE003-8234; and
c. Direct and Authorize the Auditor-Controller’s Office to incorporate approved budget modifications to the FY 2024-25 Budget, and the County Administrative Office to reflect these approved changes in the FY 2025-26 Adopted Budget. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA) | approved | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-008
| 30. | ECD Records Retention 2025 Update | BoS Resolution | Adopt Resolution to:
a. Approve the Records Retention Schedule for the Emergency Communications Department (ECD) for the storage and/or destruction of County records as set forth by federal and state laws, county codes, and policies; and
b. Authorize the Director of the ECD or designee to destroy or cause the destruction of County records in accordance with the approved Records Retention Schedule for ECD. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-016
| 31. | Pajaro Sunny Mesa MOU | BoS Resolution | a. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Emergency Management and the Director of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks to execute the Right of Entry and Indemnification Agreement (Agreement) between the County and the Pajaro Sunny Mesa Community Services District (PSMCSD) for the completion of repairs/replacements at Pajaro Park located at 24 San Juan Road, in the unincorporated community of Pajaro, California funded by Assembly Bill 102 funds; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Emergency Management and the Director of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks to execute any future amendments under similar terms, conditions, and format if deemed to be in the best interest of the County, subject to review and approval by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management; and
c. Direct that staff, upon completion of repairs, place unused allocated AB 102 funds with a third party to be held in trust for operations and maintenance expenses at Pajaro Park, as approved by legal counsel; and
d. Find that the proposed repairs/ replacements qualify fo | adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-017
| 32. | Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget for the Emergency Communications Department (028-1520-EME004-8507) to increase appropriations by $505,554 to pay for salary and benefits increases | BoS Resolution | Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget for the Emergency Communications Department (028-1520-EME004-8507) to increase appropriations by $505,554 to pay for salary and benefits increases resulting from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and County Employees Management Association (CEMA) labor agreements with the increase funded by prior year’s surplus being held as unassigned fund balance in the Department Dispatch Fund 028 | adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 33. | Countywide Service Agreement (Agreement) for printing copier multifunction machine lease and maintenance supplies services | General Agenda Item | a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to execute a Countywide Service Agreement (Agreement) for printing copier multifunction machine lease and maintenance supplies services with Monterey Bay Office Products dba MBS Business Systems, and UBEO LLC for multifunction copiers, printers, and like equipment, for an amount not to exceed $500,000 for the period of February 19, 2025, through February 19, 2031 with the option to extend the Agreement for one additional three year periods, for a total not to exceed a maximum nine year Agreement through and including February 19, 2034, for an aggregate amount not to exceed $500,000; provided the extension does not significantly change the scope of work;
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to execute similar additional Agreements, after one year, for such services with qualified contractors who meet minimum requirements and comply with the County of Monterey standard terms and conditions, with a term effective upon execution by the parties with the Contracts/Purchasing Officer signing last thr | approved | Pass |
Action details
A 25-032
| 34. | ShareGate MNDA | BoS Agreement | a. Authorize the Chief Information Officer or his designee to execute a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement with ShareGate software used to secure the County’s Microsoft 365 environment;
b. Authorize the Chief Information Officer to execute future non-disclosure agreements and mutual non-disclosure agreements with existing and potential vendors, subject to County Counsel review, to facilitate work with vendors that requires the County to disclose or receive confidential information about the County’s network and information technology systems. | approved | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-024
| 35. | Adopt a Resolution approving the amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Human Resources Department. | BoS Resolution | Adopt a Resolution approving the amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Human Resources Department. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-025
| 36. | 2-18-2025 Levine Act Amendment | BoS Resolution | Adopt a resolution to approve amendments to the Levine Act Policy (G-125) within the Board Policy Manual given changes to Government Code section 84308, a provision of the Political Reform Act. | adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 37. | 2-18-2025 City of Gonzalez_D3 Discretionary Fund | General Agenda Item | Approve expenditure of $24,000 to the City of Gonzales, California (“City of Gonzales”) for the maintenance and repair of the Gonzales Fire Department’s main facility from District’s 3 discretionary funds. | approved | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-029
| 38. | Adopt Resolution authorizing 27k to further Know Your Rights educational efforts | BoS Resolution | Adopt a Resolution to authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget by increasing appropriations by $35,000 to fund interpretation and broadcasting services, printed information materials, and other related costs for various County hosted “Know Your Rights” educational forums in County Administrative Office- Admin/Finance (001-1050-CAO001-8045) financed by a decrease in appropriations in Contingencies, General Fund 001, Appropriation Unit CAO020 (4/5th vote). | adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-034
| 38.1 | BoS 02-18-2025 Emergency Proclamation_Salinas Lagoon | BoS Resolution | Adopt a resolution to:
a. Ratify the County Administrative Officer’s February 14, 2025 Proclamation of a Local Emergency for sandbar management activities that are required at the Salinas River Lagoon Mouth (4/5th vote required); and
b. Find the work statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines Section 15269(c) for emergency projects. (ADDED VIA ADDENDA) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-007
| 39. | Park Appropriations-Revenue Increase | BoS Resolution | Adopt a resolution to authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget to increase appropriations by $407,790 in General Fund 001, Park Operations Appropriation Unit PFP058, financed by additional revenues of $367,790 from Lake San Antonio park fees and Grant Funds, and $40,000 from the release of Park Foundation Restricted Fund Balance (001-3045-PFMC) (4/5ths vote required). | adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-019
| 40. | Approve acceptance of a Financial Assistance grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Service for funding of restoration and repairs to the Pajaro County Sanitation District (PCSD) Wastewater System | BoS Resolution | Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve acceptance of a Financial Assistance grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Service for funding of restoration and repairs to the Pajaro County Sanitation District (PCSD) Wastewater System; and
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP), or designee, to execute the Grant Agreement ($4,075,000) and associated documents and act as agent for the County of Monterey/PCSD in processing all documentation to secure these funds and to satisfy the conditions associated with the grant on behalf of the County of Monterey/PCSD; and
c. Add a project for Restoration and Repairs to the Pajaro County Sanitation District (PCSD) Wastewater System to the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program starting in the current Fiscal Year (FY 2024-25) | adopted | Pass |
Action details
RES 25-027
| 41. | Approve acceptance of a grant from the State of California - Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) for the CSA-75 Chualar Wastewater System Consolidation Project | BoS Resolution | Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve acceptance of a $2.5 million planning grant from the State of California - Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) grant program for preliminary design and environmental work for the CSA-75 Chualar Wastewater System Consolidation Project (Project);
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP), or designee, to execute the Grant Agreement and associated documents and act as authorized representative for the County of Monterey in processing all documentation to secure these funds and to satisfy the conditions associated with the grant on behalf of the County of Monterey;
c. Find that this Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15262, as the Project scope involves planning and feasibility and/or data collection, research, experimental management and resource evaluation activities which will not result in any significant adverse water quality impacts;
d. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks (PWFP), or designee, to represent the County | adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 42. | Addenda/Supplemental | General Agenda Item | Addenda/Supplemental
Added attachment titled "Resume - Roderick W. Franks" to Item No. 8 under Appointments
Added attachment titled "Bio - Kevin Kreyenhagen" to Item No. 11 under Appointments
Added attachment titled "Application - Shawne Ellerbee" to Item No. 12 under Appointments
Added Item No. 29.1 under Criminal Justice - Consent
Removed an incorrectly attached document titled "ECD Records Retention Policy" and attached the corrected version to Item No. 30 under General Government
Added Item No. 38.1 under General Government - Consent | | |
Action details