MIN 24-085
| A. | Draft Meeting Minutes for ZA on 12-12-24 | Minutes | Acceptance of the October 31, 2024, County of Monterey Zoning Administrator Meeting minutes. | | |
ZA 24-055
| 1. | PLN210091 - Santa Rosa Motel Co. | Zoning Administrator | PLN210091 - SANTA ROSA MOTEL CO.
Public hearing continued from November 14, 2024 to consider demolition and rebuild of nine structures and site renovations to the existing Portofino Inn and removal of two protected oak trees (one landmark).
Project Location: 10 Country Club Way, Carmel Valley, Carmel Valley Master Plan
Proposed CEQA action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15302 of the CEQA Guidelines | | |
ZA 24-056
| 2. | PLN220272 - ISNC LLC | Zoning Administrator | PLN220272 - ISNV LLC
Public hearing to consider construction of a 2,842 square foot two-story single family dwelling, inclusive of a 436 square attached foot two-car garage, removal of one landmark Monterey cypress tree and development within 750 feet of known archaeological resources.
Project Location: 26399 Scenic Road, Carmel, Carmel Area Land Use Plan, (APN: 009-441-017-000)
Proposed CEQA action: Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15074 of the CEQA Guidelines. | | |
ZA 24-057
| 3. | PLN230174 - Terranova | Zoning Administrator | PLN230174 - TERRANOVA MICHAEL R & LINNEA E
Continued from a Public Hearing on November 14, 2024, consider allowing construction of a 3,340 square foot two-story single-family dwelling with 1,008 square foot attached three-car garage, removal of three Coast live oak trees, and development on slopes greater than 25%.
Project Location: 12167 Saddle Road, Carmel Valley
Proposed CEQA action: Find the project qualifies for a Class 3 Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Article 19 Section 15303, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2. | | |
ZA 24-058
| 4. | PLN240147 - Samoon LLC | Zoning Administrator | PLN240147 - SAMOON LLC
Public hearing to consider demolition of existing 3,130 square foot single family residence, construction of a new 3,275 square foot two-story residence with a 1,719 square foot basement, an attached 594 square foot garage and 560 square foot attached accessory dwelling unit
Project Location: 3020 Cormorant Road, Pebble Beach, Greater Monterey Peninsula Area Plan
Proposed CEQA action: Find the project categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15302 and 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines. | | |