CS 25-008
| 1. | BoS 02-11-2025 Special Closed Session | Closed Session | Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:
a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54957(b)(1), the Board will provide a performance evaluation for the County Administrative Officer.
b. Pursuant to Government Code sections 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation and/or potential initiation of litigation | | |
OBM 25-052
| 2. | See Supplemental Sheet | Other Board Matters | See Supplemental Sheet | | |
OBM 25-053
| 3. | General Public Comment | Other Board Matters | General Public Comments | | |
| 4. | HCD Updates | General Agenda Item | Receive a presentation from the Housing and Community Development Department and conduct a workshop on its planning and construction permit process, staffing, and permit streamlining efforts. | | |
OBM 25-054
| 5. | New Referrals | Other Board Matters | New Referrals | | |
OBM 25-055
| 6. | County Administrative Officer Comments | Other Board Matters | County Administrative Officer Comments | | |
OBM 25-056
| 7. | Board Comments | Other Board Matters | Board Comments | | |
A 25-007
| 8. | BH GLOBO Language Services | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a nonstandard Agreement with GLOBO Holdings l, LLC dba GLOBO Language Services, LLC, for interpretation and other language services in the amount of $65,000 for the term upon execution to January 31, 2026; and
b. Approve non-standard insurance and indemnification provisions as recommended by the Director of Health Services; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to three (3) future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed 10% ($6,500) of the original amount for a not to exceed amount of $71,500 and do not significantly alter the scope of work. | | |
A 25-024
| 9. | Epic Nexus QHIN | BoS Agreement | Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to sign an Epic Nexus QHIN Participation Agreement Attestation, authorizing participation by the County of Monterey Health Department, Clinic Services Bureau, as a member of the Oregon Community Health Information Network (OCHIN), Inc., in the Epic Nexus Qualified Health Information Network (“QHIN”), enabling the County to participate in full network-to-network exchange of health information via the Trusted Exchange Framework & Common Agreement (TEFCA), a common agreement of health information networks nationally created by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP). | | |
A 25-025
| 10. | SPCA Spay/Neuter Mobile Clinics | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute an Agreement with Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for Monterey County (SPCA) for the provision of all-inclusive spay/neuter mobile clinics for owned dogs and cats as well as feral cats of residents in South Monterey County in the amount of $42,000 with a term effective upon execution to June 30, 2025; and
b. Approve non-standard indemnification provisions as recommended by the Director of Health Services; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to three future amendments to this Agreement where the amendments do not exceed 10% ($4,200) of the original Agreement amount, do not significantly change the scope of work, and the total Agreement amount does not exceed $46,200; and
d. Approve and authorize the Contracts and Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute future Amendments, provided they do not exceed an aggregate amount of $200,000 and fall within the signing authority of the Contracts and Purchasing Officer. (REVISED VIA SUPPLEMENTA | | |
A 25-026
| 11. | Professional Agreement with John Csongradi, M.D. | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a non-standard Professional Agreement with John Csongradi, M.D., to provide professional pediatric services to medically fragile children with physician malpractice coverage provided by the County retroactively from July 11, 2007 to June 30, 2028; and
b. Approve a non-standard Agreement as recommended by the Director of Health Services; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services to sign up to three future amendments that do not significantly change the scope. | | |
A 25-027
| 12. | Professional Agreement with Christine Aguilar, M.D. | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a non-standard Professional Agreement with Christine Aguilar, M.D., to provide professional pediatric services to medically fragile children with physician malpractice coverage provided by the County retroactively from October 15, 2018 to June 30, 2028; and
b. Approve a non-standard Agreement as recommended by the Director of Health Services; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services to sign up to three future amendments that do not significantly change the scope. | | |
A 25-028
| 13. | Sierra Mental Wellness Group | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute an Agreement between the County of Monterey and Sierra Mental Wellness Group for the provision of mobile crisis dispatch and in-person field response services for an amount of $1,660,512 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 and $2,931,024 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-26, for a total Agreement amount not to exceed $4,591,536 and for a retroactive term starting January 2, 2025 through June 30, 2026; and
b. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute up to three (3) future amendments where the combined amendments do not exceed 10% ($459,154) of the original Agreement amount, do not significantly change the scope of services, and do not increase the not to exceed amount over $5,050,690. | | |
A 25-031
| 14. | Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Placement and Services Continuum Model in the Bay Area | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign a no cost Memorandum of Understanding with the City and County of San Francisco, a municipal corporation acting by and through the Department on the Status of Women, and Seneca Family of Agencies to provide Commercially Sexually Exploited Children Placement and Services Continuum Model to foster youth in Monterey County, for the period of February 11, 2025 to December 31, 2025; and
b. Authorize the Director or designee of the Department of Social Services to sign up to three amendments to this Agreement that do not encompass payment or significantly change the scope of work. | | |
| 15. | Receive Governor's FY 25-26 Proposed Budget | General Agenda Item | Receive a Report on the Governor’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-26 Proposed Budget. | | |
RES 25-022
| 16. | Adopt a Resolution to approve and adopt the proposed amended bylaws of the Monterey County Defined Contribution 401(a) Plan Administrative Committee. | BoS Resolution | Adopt a Resolution to approve and adopt the proposed amended bylaws of the Monterey County Defined Contribution 401(a) Plan Administrative Committee. | | |
MIN 25-010
| 17. | BOS Draft Minutes | Minutes | Approve the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors Draft Action Meeting Minutes for the following meeting date: Tuesday, February 4, 2025. | | |
RES 25-015
| 18. | Reallocation of MAII to PP and CE to BPE | BoS Resolution | Adopt a resolution to:
a. Amend the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) Budget Unit Administration, 001-3100-8543-HCD002 to reallocate one Management Analyst II to one Principal Planner and to reallocate one Civil Engineer to one Building Plans Examiner as indicated in Attachment A;
b. Authorize the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to incorporate the position changes in the FY 2024-25 HCD Adopted Budget, 001-3100-8543-HCD002; and
c. Direct Human Resources to implement the changes in the Advantage HRM system. | | |