CS 25-010
| 1. | BoS 02-25-2025 Closed Session | Closed Session | Closed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items:
a. Pursuant to Government Code sections 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding one matter of significant exposure to litigation and/or potential initiation of litigation. | | |
CR 25-011
| 2. | Ceremonial Resolution - Employee Appreciation Day | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring the County of Monterey’s employees on March 7, 2025, for consistently providing excellent public service. (Supervisor Lopez) | | |
CR 25-012
| 3. | Ceremonial Resolution - Pamela Burnhard | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring the life of Pamela "Pam" Bernhard. (Supervisor Askew) | | |
CR 25-013
| 4. | Ceremonial Resolution - Black Caucus 2025 | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring the Monterey County Black Caucus during Black History Month. (Supervisor Askew) | | |
CR 25-014
| 5. | Ceremonial Resolution - James Laa IV | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring County of Monterey’s Health Department Administration Bureau’s Supervising Departmental Information Systems Coordinator James Laa IV, on his retirement after 22 years of dedicated public service to the County of Monterey. (Supervisor Lopez) | | |
CR 25-015
| 6. | Ceremonial Resolution - Damon Charles Wasson | Ceremonial Resolution | Adopt a resolution honoring Damon Charles Wasson upon his retirement from the City of Soledad Police Department after over thirty-five years of outstanding public service. (Supervisor Lopez) | | |
APP 25-030
| 7. | Appointment - Joshua Bowling | Appointment | Appoint Joshua Bowling to the Commission on Disabilities as a Housing & Community Development Representative with a term ending on December 31, 2027. (Nominated by the County of Monterey Housing & Community Development) | | |
OBM 25-022
| 8. | See Supplemental Sheet | Other Board Matters | See Supplemental Sheet | | |
RES 25-023
| 10. | PLN220336 - Seastars LLC | BoS Resolution | PLN220336 - SEASTARS LLC
Public Hearing to consider:
1. An Addendum together with the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164;
2. Approving an amendment to a previously approved Combined Development Permit (PLN980149), as amended and extended by PLN030071, PLN040015, PLN070540, PLN120329, PLN150541, and PLN180383, that allowed construction of a 4,127 square foot single family dwelling with 1,810 square feet of covered patios and overhangs, a 1,238 square foot attached subterranean garage, and associated site improvements. This amendment allows construction of a 513 square foot guesthouse with 425 square feet of livable space, a new 1,041 square foot pool and associated site improvements including a 2,038 square foot driveway, 5,330 square feet of patios, walkways and paths, 334 square feet of site walls, 672 square feet of solar panels and grading of approximately 275 cubic yards of cut and 120 cubic yards of fill;
3. Accepting the Amended Conservation and Scenic Easement Map for the Seastars LLC property; and
4. Directing the Clerk of | | |
| 11. | County of Monterey Procurement Manual | General Agenda Item | Approve the County of Monterey Procurement Manual to be included in the Board Policy Manual. | | |
RES 25-030
| 12. | PLN000696 - Harper Cyn | BoS Resolution | Public hearing to consider:
a. Certifying the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Harper Canyon/Encina Hills project (State Clearinghouse Number: 2003071157), which supplements the Final Environmental Impact Report for the same project with information pertaining to wildlife corridors;
b. Reinstating Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 15-084 for the Harper Canyon/Encina Hills project, except as amended with respect to the issue of wildlife corridors, which:
i. Certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the project;
ii. Adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations;
iii. Upheld an appeal by Harper Canyon Realty LLC of the Planning Commissions denial of the project;
iv. Approved a Combined Development Permit consisting of a:
1) A Vesting Tentative Map for the subdivision of 344 acres into 17 residential lots ranging in size from 5.13 acres to 23.42 acres on 164 acres with one 180-acre remainder parcel;
2) Use Permit for the removal of approximately 79 Coast live oak trees over six inches in diameter for road and driveway construction;
3) | | |
| 13. | BoS 02-25-25 Ad Hoc Battery Storage | General Agenda Item | Receive recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee concerning the Moss Landing battery fire of January 16, 2025, and provide direction as needed. | | |
| 14. | FEMA Presentation | General Agenda Item | a. Receive a presentation from the Department of Emergency Management on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance Program; and
b. Direct the County Administrator’s Office to create a Disaster Finance Working Group to provide policy recommendations on financial management during disasters and post-disaster financial recovery; and
c. Provide other direction to staff as appropriate. | | |
OBM 25-024
| 15. | New Referrals | Other Board Matters | New Referrals | | |
PAR 25-004
| 16. | 02-25-2025 Board Referral No. 2025.01_Fracking Ban | Preliminary Analysis Report | a. Receive a preliminary response to Board Referral Number 2025.01 (Alejo) regarding the proposed creation of an ordinance that prohibits hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in Monterey County; and
b. Provide direction to staff. | | |
OBM 25-025
| 17. | County Administrative Officer Comments | Other Board Matters | County Administrative Officer Comments | | |
OBM 25-026
| 18. | Board Comments | Other Board Matters | Board Comments | | |
RES 25-014
| 19. | Reallocate Admin Secretary-Confidential Positions to Administrative Services Assistant & Administrative Services Manager | BoS Resolution | Adopt Resolution to:
a. Amend the FY 2024-25 Natividad Medical Center Adopted Budget (Fund 451-Dept. 9600-Unit 8358-Appropriation Unit NMC001) to reallocate three (3) Administrative Secretary-Confidential positions to two (2) Administrative Services Assistant positions and one (1) Administrative Services Manager as indicated in Attachment A effective February 22, 2025;
b. Authorize and direct the Human Resources Department to designate the reallocated positions as confidential positions in accordance with the applicable provisions of the County of Monterey Employer-Employee Relations Resolution; and
c. Authorize and direct the County Administrative Office and the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the approved position changes into the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Adopted Budget. | | |
RES 25-026
| 20. | Adjust Base Wage Salary of Cardiac Sonographer & Cardiac Sonographer-Per Diem | BoS Resolution | Adopt Resolution to:
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution No. 98-394 Appendix A to adjust the salary ranges of the Cardiac Sonographer and Cardiac Sonographer-Per Diem classifications as indicated in Attachment A retroactive to February 22, 2025; and
b. Direct the Human Resources Department to implement the changes in the Advantage Human Resources Management (HRM) System. | | |
A 25-033
| 21. | San Ardo Union Elementary School District | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with San Ardo Union Elementary School District to promote Safe Routes to School community education for the term upon execution through November 30, 2028 at no cost to the County of Monterey; and
b. Approve a non-standard Agreement as recommended by the Director of Health Services; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Health Services or designee to sign up to three future amendments that do not significantly change the scope. | | |
| 22. | Lunch at the Library 2025 | General Agenda Item | a. Authorize and approve the Director of the Monterey County Free Libraries (“MCFL”) or her designee to accept a grant award of $125,938 from the State Library of California through the Lunch at the Library Program, to serve meals and activities to youth, and
b. Authorize the Director of the MCFL or her designee to take all steps necessary to implement the grant and accept the grant award of $125,938 from the State Library of California, and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of the MCFL or her designee to execute to three (3) future amendments where the combined amendments do not exceed 20% ($25,188) of the original Agreement amount, do not significantly change the scope of services, and do not increase the total not to exceed amount over $151,126. | | |
RES 25-021
| 23. | DWR Statewide Flood Emergency Response Grant P. | BoS Resolution | Authorize the Department of Emergency Management to receive an award from the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) under the Statewide Flood Emergency Response Grant in the amount of $162,750 with a 2-year performance period, to obtain financial assistance to conduct flood response planning and preparedness activities and procure flood fighting response equipment. | | |
| 24. | CD-DATA ParcelQuest Renewal Agreement 2025-2030 | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute an Agreement with CD-DATA, doing business as ParcelQuest for that entity to compile and use the County’s maps and data, in exchange for a license for the County to be able to use that data and a share in the profits from the sale and/or licensing of the information to others for a five (5) year term of March 1, 2025 through and including February 28, 2030; and
b. Approve and authorize the Assessor or their designee to execute amendments that do not adversely affect the County liability and/or extend the term of the database information sharing agreement beyond February 28, 2030. | | |
| 25. | Pacific Grove Adult Education | General Agenda Item | a. Approve and authorize the Library Director to execute a three-year Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) for the term of February 25, 2025 to February 24, 2028 with Pacific Grove Unified School District on behalf of Pacific Grove Adult Education (“PGAE”) to partner with Monterey County on Behalf of the Monterey County Free Libraries, to provide workshops and other learning opportunities and
b. Authorize the Library Director to execute up to three future annual amendments to the agreement that do not significantly alter the scope of work | | |
A 25-037
| 26. | Approve and authorize the County Administrative Officer or designee to execute a non-standard agreement (“Funding Agreement”) between the County of Monterey and the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey (“HACM”) in the amount of $5,585,5 | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the County Administrative Officer or designee to execute a non-standard agreement (“Funding Agreement”) between the County of Monterey and the Housing Authority of the County of Monterey (“HACM”) in the amount of $5,585,597 for the development and provision of permanent supportive housing at the Days Inn Motel located at 1130 Broadway Street, King City California 93930, for Monterey County residents experiencing chronic homelessness for the term February 25, 2025 to April 15, 2029; and
b. Authorize and direct the Auditor-Controller to issue an advance payment to the HACM upon execution of the Funding Agreement and certified invoice, in the amount of $3,000,000 to provide a portion of the Days Inn property motel conversion costs; and
c. Approve and authorize the County Administrative Officer or designee to execute up to 3 future amendments to the Funding Agreement with the HACM that may change the Funding Agreement contract amount up to and not to exceed 10% ($558,560) and do not significantly alter the scope of the Funding Agreement as determined by the | | |
| 27. | Units M & N,L, Q & V, and D MOU | General Agenda Item | Approve the Memorandum of Understanding’s (MOU) for the Monterey County Probation Association (MCPA), Units M & N, Probation Managers Association (MCPMA), Unit L, Monterey County Park Ranger’s Association (MCPRA), Unit Q & V, Monterey County Public Defenders’ Association (MCPDA), Unit D, for the period July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027. | | |
| 28. | Receive Action Mins for the BC 3rd and 4th Qtrs of 2024 | General Agenda Item | Receive the Action Minutes of the Budget Committee for the 3rd and 4th Quarters of 2024 for the meetings held on July 31, 2024, September 3, 2024, September 25, 2024, October 30, 2024, and November 25, 2024. | | |
| 29. | Receive Action Mins of the CIC for Qtrs 3 and 4 of 2024 | General Agenda Item | Receive the Action Minutes of the Capital Improvement Committee for the 3rd and 4th Quarters of 2024 for the meetings held on August 12, September 9, October 14, and November 13, 2024. | | |
RES 25-031
| 30. | Hazard Mitigation Grant Application | BoS Resolution | a. Authorize and approve the Director of the Emergency Management or designee to submit a grant application to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) for a total amount of $500,000 to update the Monterey County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan; and
b. Authorize and approve the Director of Emergency Management or designee to execute all necessary forms and documents for the application to this grant; and
c. Direct Department of Emergency Management staff to return to the Board of Supervisors for approval prior to acceptance of any grant awards. | | |
MIN 25-011
| 31. | BOS Draft Minutes | Minutes | Approve the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors Draft Action Meeting Minutes for the following meeting date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025. | | |
A 25-023
a. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute a Professional Services Agreement with EMC Planning Group, Inc., to provide extensive planning and environmental analysis services to update the Chualar Community Plan for the not to exceed amount of $1,417,538 for a term beginning upon execution to June 30, 2027; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute up to three (3) additional amendments to this Agreement, each extending the term by one (1) year where the additional cost of each amendment does not exceed 10% ($141,754) of the original contract amount of $1,417,538, bringing the total maximum cumulative cost increase to $425,262 and potential overall Agreement aggregate not to exceed amount to $1,842,800. | | |
| 33. | PLN180333 - O'Donovan | General Agenda Item | PLN180333 - O DONOVAN SHERRY TR
Consider approval of a Final Parcel Map for the O’Dovan minor subdivision dividing a .57-acre parcel into four lots.
Project Location: 11363 Del Monte Avenue, Castroville
Proposed CEQA Action: Statutorily Exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines section 15268(b)(3) - Approval of Final Subdivision Maps. | | |
| 34. | Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Viejo Road Emergency Storm Damage, Project No. 621095C | General Agenda Item | a. Adopt Plans and Special Provisions for the Viejo Road Emergency Storm Damage, Project No. 621095C, Federal Aid Project No: PA-09-CA-4308-PW-00651; and
b. Authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks to advertise the Project’s “Notice to Bidders” in the Monterey County Weekly.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Action: A Notice of Exemption was filed on October 8, 2021, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 15301 Existing Facilities. | | |
RES 25-028
| 35. | FY24-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Awards | BoS Resolution | Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Approve the Monterey County Fish and Game Advisory Commission’s recommendation for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Funds to award $49,900;
b. Designate the grant applicants approved by the Board to receive the recommended funding award; and
c. Approve and authorize the Director of Public Works, Facilities and Parks or designee to execute required grant agreements with the applicants approved by the Board to receive a Fiscal Year 2024-25 Fish and Game Propagation Grant Fund Program award and to disburse the funding awards as delineated in Exhibit 1. | | |
A 25-036
| 36. | Approve & Authorize CPO execute SA w/Delcas Auto Collision | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute a Standard Agreement with Delcas Auto Collision, Inc., (Agreement) to provide auto body repair services procured under Request for Proposal (RFP) #10941 for an initial term of five-years retroactive from February 15, 2025 to February 14, 2030, in an amount not to exceed $1,250,000.
b. Authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute this Agreement and up to three (3) additional amendments to this Agreement, where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work and where the additional costs of the Amendments in aggregate does not exceed 10 percent (10% or $125,000) of the original contract amount of $1,250,000, bringing the potential overall Agreement aggregate not to exceed amount to $1,375,000 even if no additional agreements are entered into, subject to prior review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel-Risk Management, and review of fiscal provisions by the Auditor Controller's Office. | | |
A 25-038
| 37. | Approve Amendment No. 4 to PSA with GHD Inc. to for additional services associated with professional engineering for the Carmel Valley Road and Laureles Grade Roundabout Project | BoS Agreement | a. Approve Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement No. A-14631, Multi-Year Agreement #3200*4956, with GHD Inc. to: include additional services associated with professional engineering for the Carmel Valley Road and Laureles Grade Roundabout Project, Request for Proposals #10679; update the Rate Schedule effective February 26, 2025; extend the expiration date for two additional years and a half year through August 31, 2027, for a revised term from February 25, 2020 to August 31, 2027; and increase the not to exceed maximum by $94,712 to a total amount of $674,223;
b. Authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute Amendment No. 4 to Professional Services Agreement No. A-14631 and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or increase the amount by more than 10% of the approved Agreement amount, subject to review and approval as to form by the Office of the County Counsel and as to fiscal provisions by the Auditor-Controller’s Office; and
c. Authorize the use of Carmel Valley Traffic Mi | | |
A 25-041
| 38. | N Rex Awalt dba Aqua Engineering A3 | BoS Agreement | a. Approve and authorize execution of Amendment No. 3 to Standard Agreement with N. Rex Awalt Corporation dba Aqua Engineering to continue to provide on-call maintenance and repair services for water and sanitation sewer systems, booster pump systems, backflow preventers, water quality testing and other utility system related services, to increase the not to exceed amount by $500,000 for a total amount not to exceed $700,000 and to extend the term for an additional five years for a revised term of January 5, 2022 to January 4, 2031; and
b. Authorize the Contracts & Purchasing Officer or their designee to execute Amendment No. 3 to the Standard Agreement. | | |