PC 22-089
| 1. | | Planning Item | PLANNING COMMISSION REFERRALS | | |
Action details
MIN 22-110
| 2. | October 12, 2022 Planning Commission Minutes | Minutes | Approval of the October 12, 2022 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes. | | |
Action details
PC 22-088
| 3. | NAARTAP Reappointments | Planning Item | Reappoint the following members to the Native American Archeological Resources Advisory Panel: | | |
Action details
PC 22-092
| 4. | PLN210037 - BARONE CLAIRE F | Planning Item | PLN210037 - BARONE CLAIRE F
Public hearing to consider demolition of an existing 1,439 square foot single family dwelling and 436 square foot garage; and construction of a new 1,777 square foot single-family dwelling with a 341 square foot attached garage.
Project Location: 2445 Bay View Avenue, Carmel Area Land Use Plan, Coastal Zone
Proposed CEQA action: Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15074 of the CEQA Guidelines | | |
Action details
PC 22-091
| 5. | PLN210170 - BRUCE EDWIN G & SUSAN L | Planning Item | PLN210170 - BRUCE EDWIN G & SUSAN L
Public hearing to consider construction of a 2,720 square foot single family residence, a 1,200 square foot accessory dwelling unit 3 1-car garages totaling 720 square feet, a variance to reduce the front setback by 16 feet, and a variance to reduce the side setback by 10 feet. Project would include development on slopes on excess of 25%, consisting of removing and recompacting approximately 700 square feet of sloped area, and development on a ridgeline.
Project Location: 10995 Saddle Rd, Monterey, 93940
Proposed CEQA action: Find that the project qualifies for a Class 3 Categorical Exemption Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303 | | |
Action details
PC 22-093
| 6. | Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency Presentation | Planning Item | Receive a presentation from the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency related to the implementation of the groundwater suitability plans required pursuant to the 2014 California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, and discuss as appropriate. | | |
Action details
PC 22-090
a. Conduct a public workshop to review policy options and receive public feedback for the development of the draft Agricultural Conservation Mitigation Program regulations;
b. Consider establishing an Ad Hoc Committee; and
c. Provide direction to staff.
Project Location: Countywide (Inland Only)
Proposed CEQA action: The workshop is an early planning activity that is not a project under CEQA. The ordinance will be subject to a CEQA determination in the future. | | |
Action details
PC 22-087
| 8. | PC BY LAWS | Planning Item | Consider adoption of modifications to the Monterey County Planning Commission Rules for the Transaction of Business, and provide direction to staff as appropriate. | | |
Action details