Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors of the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/3/2014 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: SPECIAL MEETING
See separate agendas for Board of Supervisors and Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the County of Monterey
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Video en Español None  
Agenda packet: None
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
WRAG 14-022 1.Budget Amendment No. 2WR General AgendaApprove a Budget Amendment authorizing the Auditor-Controller to amend the Monterey County Water Resources Agency’s FY 2013-14 Budget for various funds due to timing differences of expenditures between FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14. a. Increase Appropriations in Fund 116 (Zone 2C Dam Operations), Dept. 9300, Unit 8267, Appropriation WRA006, Account 6613 (Other Professional Services) $22,293 financed by available Unreserved Fund Balance Account 3101 (4/5th vote required); b. Increase Appropriations in Fund 118 (Zone 5 Merritt Lake), Dept. 9300, Unit 8267, Appropriation WRA008, Account 6613 (Other Professional Services) $2,000 financed by available Unreserved Fund Balance Account 3101 (4/5th vote required); c. Increase Appropriations in Fund 121 (Zone 8 Soledad Storm Drain), Dept. 9300, Unit 8267, Appropriation WRA011, Account 6613 (Other Professional Services) $35,000 financed by available Unreserved Fund Balance Account 3101 (4/5th vote required); d. Increase Appropriations in Fund 122 (Zone 9 Reclamation Ditch), Dept. 9300, Unit 8267, Appropriation WRA012, Account 6613 (Other ProfapprovedPass Action details None
WRAG 14-021 2.Third Quarter Report 2013-2014WR General AgendaConsider receiving the Monterey County Water Resources Agency Third Quarter Report for FY 2013-2014.approvedPass Action details None
WRAG 14-023 3.Interlake Tunnel ProjectWR General AgendaConsider: a. Authorizing preliminary actions to prepare a project description and perform other engineering and design work to commence environmental review for the Interlake Tunnel Project; b. Requesting the Monterey County Board of Supervisors to authorize proceeding with negotiation and execution of a funding agreement between Monterey County and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency for an amount not to exceed $2.5 million to perform the necessary work to commence environmental review of the Interlake Tunnel Project, said funds to be reimbursed to Monterey County if the Project is approved and financed; and c. Authorizing the General Manager of the Monterey County Water Resources Agency to enter into the necessary agreements to prepare for and commence environmental review of the Project in an initial amount not to exceed $500,000 provided funding is approved by Monterey County.approvedPass Action details None