Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 8/26/2014 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location:
See separate agendas for Board of Supervisors of the Monterey County Water Resources Agency, Pajaro County Sanitation District, East Garrison Community Services District and Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the County of Monterey
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Video en Español None  
Agenda packet: None
Meeting video:  
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CS 14-037 1.BoS 08-26-14 Closed SessionClosed SessionClosed Session under Government Code section 54950, relating to the following items: a. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: (1) William Hannah v. County of Monterey (Monterey County Superior Court case no. M124553) b. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.8, the Board will confer with real property negotiators: (1) Property: 1441 & 1448 Schilling Place, Salinas Agency Negotiator(s): Benny Young, Director of the Resource Management Agency Negotiating Parties: Scott J. Prosser, CBRE Under Negotiation: Price and Terms (2) Property: Manzanita Park Agency Negotiator(s) Nick Chiulos Negotiating Parties: Steve Tansey, North County Youth Recreation Association Under Negotiation: Terms c. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(e)(3), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding liability claim against the County of Monterey (1) Jared Z. Gida. d. Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(4), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding one matters of p   Action details None
14-940 2. General Agenda ItemApproval of Consent Calendar (See Supplemental Sheet)approvedPass Action details None
CR 14-120 3. Ceremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming August 28, 2014 “Senior Day Resource Fair” at the Monterey County Fair. (Supervisor Potter)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 14-122 4. Ceremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming the month of September 2014, as “National Food Safety Education Month” in Monterey County and call upon public and private organizations to celebrate with the Monterey County Health Department, Environmental Health Bureau, and the Monterey County Food Safety Advisory Council by participating in learning opportunities and activities that promote food safety. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 14-124 5. Ceremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution commending Kenneth Peake, Engineering Technician of the Department of Public Works, for his dedicated service of more than twenty-four years to the County of Monterey upon his retirement. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 14-125 6. Ceremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution proclaiming September 2014 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in Monterey County. (Full Board)adoptedPass Action details None
CR 14-127 7. Ceremonial ResolutionAdopt Resolution commending Richard C. Wilkerson for his dedicated service of over twenty years to the County of Monterey Historical Advisory Commission. (Supervisor Potter)adoptedPass Action details None
APP 14-112 8.Carmel Valley Recreation & Park District - SokolowAppointmentAppoint to the Carmel Valley Recreation & Park District Alan E. Sokolow, filling an unscheduled vacancy for a term ending December 31, 2017. (Full Board)approvedPass Action details None
APP 14-113 9.Resource Conservation District - PaddockAppointmentAppoint to the Monterey County Resource Conservation District Emily Paddock to fill an unscheduled vacancy for a term ending November 30, 2014. (Full Board)approvedPass Action details None
APP 14-114 10.Economic Opportunity CommitteeAppointmentAppoint to the Economic Opportunity Committee Kenneth S. Johnson for a term ending at the pleasure of the Board. (Full Board)approvedPass Action details None
APP 14-115 11.Housing Authority of the County of Monterey - GamaAppointmentReappoint to the Housing Authority of Monterey County Viviana Gama for a term ending August 26, 2016. (Full Board)approvedPass Action details None
APP 14-116 12.King City Cemetery DistrictAppointmentReappoint to the King City Cemetery District Brent Conatser for a term ending July 1, 2018. (Supervisor Salinas)approvedPass Action details None
14-932 16.Civil Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 5General Agenda Itema. Consider approval of the response to the 2013 Monterey County Civil Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 5; and b. Direct the County Administrative Officer to file the approved response with the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, County of Monterey, by September 12, 2014.approvedPass Action details None
14-933 17.Civil Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 6General Agenda Itema. Consider approval of the response to the 2013 Monterey County Civil Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 6; and b. Direct the County Administrative Officer to file the approved response with the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, County of Monterey, by September 12, 2014.approvedPass Action details None
14-934 18.Civil Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 9General Agenda ItemReceive informational copy of the response provided by the Sheriff-Coroner to the 2013 Monterey County Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 9.approvedPass Action details None
14-937 19.BOS Response to CGJR No. 9General Agenda Itema. Consider approval of the response to the 2013 Monterey County Civil Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 9; and b. Direct the County Administrative Officer to file the approved response with the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, County of Monterey, by September 17, 2014.approvedPass Action details None
14-936 20.BOS Response to CGJR No. 11General Agenda Itema. Consider approval of the response to the 2013 Monterey County Civil Grand Jury Interim Final Report No. 11; and b. Direct the County Administrative Officer to file the approved response with the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, County of Monterey, by September 12, 2014.approvedPass Action details None
RES 14-075 21.Harper CanyonBoS ResolutionPublic hearing, continued from May 13, 2014, to consider: a. Request received from Harper Canyon Realty LLC for continuance of the hearing to a later date in order to perform well testing and analysis; and b. A resolution with findings as directed by the Board of Supervisors to: 1. Deny the appeal by Harper Canyon Realty LLC from the Planning Commission’s denial of their application for a Combined Development Permit; and 2. Deny the project consisting of a Combined Development Permit consisting of a Vesting Tentative Map for the subdivision of 344 acres into 17 lots and associated Use Permits. (Appeal of Combined Development Permit - PLN000696/Harper Canyon Realty LLC, San Benancio Road and Meyer Road, Salinas, Toro Area Plan area)continuedPass Action details None
ORD 14-017 22.General Plan Amendment Process OrdinanceOrdinancePublic hearing to consider: Adoption of an ordinance adding Chapter 21.91 to Title 21 (non-coastal zoning) of the Monterey County Code to establish procedures to amend the 2010 Monterey County General Plan and including findings that the ordinance is not a project under CEQA. (REF130066/General Plan Amendment Ordinance)adoptedPass Action details None
ORD 14-018 23.Proof of Access - Inland and CoastalOrdinancePublic hearing to consider: a. Adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 21.64 of Title 21 (non-coastal zoning) of the Monterey County Code to establish special regulations for the issuance of land use permits and entitlements for development utilizing private streets, roads, and other travelled ways in the non-coastal unincorporated area of Monterey County and including findings that the ordinance is not a project under CEQA; and b. Adoption of a Resolution of Intent to adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 20.64 of Title 20 (Part 1 of the Monterey County Coastal Implementation Plan) of the Monterey County Code to establish special regulations for the issuance of land use permits and entitlements for development utilizing private streets, roads, and other travelled ways in the coastal unincorporated area of Monterey County and including findings that the ordinance is not a project under CEQA, with direction to staff to submit the ordinance to the Coastal Commission for certification. (Proof of Access Ordinance - PLN060127/Inland and REF130084/Coastal)adoptedPass Action details None
14-946 24.Parks Ad Hoc Recommendation...General Agenda Itema. Consider approving the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Parks Operations regarding revenue enhancements identified by the County Administrative Office to avert Parks Department reduction in force for FY 2014-15; b. Consider approving increased appropriations in the amount of $900,000 in the Parks Enterprise Fund Appropriation Unit 452-7500-PAR004-8391-6111 (4/5th vote required); c. Consider approving increased revenue in the amount of $578,500 in the Parks Enterprise Fund Appropriation Unit 452-7500-PAR004-8391-5730 (4/5th vote required); d. Consider approving a one-time Operating Transfer In for the amount of $300,000 from the Laguna Seca Track Designation Fund 001 Balance Sheet Account 3129 to the Parks Enterprise Fund Appropriation Unit 452-7500-PAR004-8391-5940 (4/5th vote required); e. Consider approving a one-time Operating Transfer In for the amount of $21,500 from the Laguna Seca Rifle Range Appropriation Unit 001-7500-PAR001-8145 to the Parks Enterprise Fund Appropriation Unit 452-7500-PAR004-8391-5940 (4/5th vote required); f. Consider authorizing the AudiapprovedPass Action details None
RES 14-080 25.Receive Schilling Place Due Dilligence Report and Consider AcquisitionBoS ResolutionReceive and consider: a. Schilling Facility Acquisition Due Diligence Report; b. Adoption of a Resolution approving the Purchase and Sale Agreement, and Lease Termination and Release for acquiring 1441, 1488, and 1494 Schilling Place, and authorizing their execution; c. Adoption of a Resolution approving one of three financing options for funding the PSA to acquire 1441, 1488 and 1494 Schilling Place; and d. Authorization for the Auditor-Controller to execute the Board approved financing option, including any Loan Agreements, and transfer approved funds to an Escrow account for the purchase of 1441, 1488, and 1494 Schilling Place. (REVISED RESOLUTION SUBMITTED VIA SUPPLEMENTAL)adoptedPass Action details None
A 14-007 26.Corepoint Health LLC Renewal & Amendment #2BoS AgreementAuthorize the Purchasing Manager for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Corepoint Health LLC for Software Licensing and Support Services at NMC, extending the Agreement to March 3, 2016 and adding $154,543 for a revised total Agreement amount not to exceed $229,666.approved  Action details None
A 14-198 27.Modular Devices Amendment #1BoS AgreementApprove and direct the Purchasing Manager for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement (A-12530 / MYA983) with Modular Devices Inc. for Exchange of Equipment and Installation Services at NMC, adding $295,500 for a revised total Agreement amount not to exceed $2,452,500 in the aggregate.approved  Action details None
A 14-212 28.DANSIN INC AGREEMENTBoS Agreementa. Authorize and direct the Purchasing Manager for Natividad Medical Center (NMC) to execute the Professional Services Agreement with DanSin, Inc. to provide neurosurgery services at NMC for an amount not to exceed $500,000 for the period September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015; and b. Authorize the Purchasing Manager for NMC to sign up to three (3) amendments to this Agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.approved  Action details None
14-880 29.Health Department Strategic Plan AccomplishmentsGeneral Agenda Itema. Receive a report from the Monterey County Health Department on the Monterey County Health Department Strategic Plan: 2014 Accomplishments Report; and b. Authorize the distribution of final report to County departments, the public, and community partner organizations.approved  Action details None
A 14-211 30.Mobile Crisis Support ProgramBoS AgreementAdopt Resolution to: a. Authorize the Director of the Monterey County Health Department to accept an Investment in Mental Health Wellness Grant of $193,615.80 from the California Health Facilities Financing Authority (“CHFFA Grant”) for the provision of financial support for the Mobile Crisis Support Program of the Monterey County Health Department, Behavioral Health Bureau (Grant Period June 26, 2014 to June 30, 2015); and b. Designate the Director of the Monterey County Health Department with the right, power, and authority to enter into Grant Agreement Number MONT-01; and c. Designate the Director of the Behavioral Health Bureau of the Monterey County Health Department to act on behalf of the County of Monterey in the implementation of the Bureau’s Mobile Crisis Support Program during the useful life of the CHFFA Grant project, including designating the Director of the Behavioral Health Bureau with the right, power, and authority to enter into other CHFFA Grant-related documents.approvedPass Action details None
ORD 14-016 31.Adopt Resolution Chapter 10.43Ordinancea. Adopt a resolution finding the proposed ordinance adding Chapter 10.43 to the Monterey County Code categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and b. Adopt an ordinance adding Chapter 10.43 to the Monterey County Code relating to the use of single-use carry-out bags, recycled paper bags and reusable bags by retail establishments.adoptedPass Action details None
RES 14-071 32.Resolutation Lorna TalubanBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution confirming the appointment of Ms. Lorna Taluban as Interim Departmental Human Resources Manager for the Health Department.adoptedPass Action details None
14-900 33.Meals on Wheels Of the Salinas ValleyGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services, or his designee, to sign an agreement with Meals on Wheels of the Salinas Valley for $276,474 to provide home-delivered meals to seniors in Salinas, and North and South Monterey County regions for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; and b. Authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services, or his designee, to sign up to three (3) amendments to the agreement, where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.approved  Action details None
14-901 34.Social SolutionsGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services, or his designee, to sign an agreement with Social Solutions for $67,600 to provide licenses, training and support for the Efforts to Outcomes (ETO) software for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015; and b. Accept the non-standard Agreement terms and conditions as recommended by the Director of the Department of Social Services; and c. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services, or his designee, to sign up to three (3) amendments to the agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.approved  Action details None
14-905 35.CAPI AgreementGeneral Agenda ItemApprove and authorize the Chair to sign an Agreement between the County of Monterey and San Mateo County and the Bay Area CAPI Consortium, including the acceptance of non-standard agreement terms and conditions as recommended by the Director of the Department of Social Services, for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2018 to administer the Cash Assistance Program for Individuals (CAPI) in Monterey County.approved  Action details None
14-906 36.Soledad USD Agreement 2014/16General Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services, or his designee, to sign an agreement with Soledad Unified School District for $247,170 to provide High School Equivalency (HSE) Exam Preparation classes for the period July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2016; and b. Authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services, or his designee, to sign up to three (3) amendments to this agreement where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount, and do not significantly change the scope of work.approvedPass Action details None
14-768 37. General Agenda Itema. Ratify and approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Court Security Services between the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office and Monterey County Superior Court pursuant to California Government Code section 69921.5, and the Superior Court Security Act of 2012 for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 -15; b. Authorize amending the FY 2014-15 Sheriff’s Budget to add one (1) FTE Deputy Sheriff-Corrections in the Court Security Unit, 001-2300-SHE003-8234 effective July 1, 2014 to meet the Court’s staffing level requirement; c. Authorize increasing appropriations and revenues in Fund 001 General Fund and Fund 022 Local Revenue Fund 2011 in the amount of $200,000 (4/5th Vote Required); and d. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to incorporate the changes in the Sheriff’s FY 2014-15 Adopted Budget.approved  Action details None
14-939 37.1PSA FY14/15 Frank W. DiceGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Public Defender or designee to sign a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Frank W. Dice, Attorney-At-Law, in the amount of $96,000 to provide case management and case supervision for the Alternate Defender Office (ADO) with an effective terms of July 1, 2014 through June 30th 2015; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer, or his designee, to sign up to three (3) future Amendments to this agreement in which there is no significant change to the scope of work or increase in cost that exceeds five percent (5%) of the original amount of the Agreement.approved  Action details None
14-917 37.2FY 2014-15 JW AgreementGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve a Professional Services Agreement (Agreement) with Justice Works, L.L.C. (Contractor) to provide ongoing customer support for the case management system of the Office of the Public Defender in the amount of $30,000 for the period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute the Professional Services Agreement and up to three (3) future amendments where the total amendments do not exceed 10% of the original contract amount, and do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amounts. (ADDED VIA ADDENDUM)approved  Action details None
14-833 38.County Administrative Office Amended Conflict of Interest Code - 2014General Agenda ItemAdopt Resolution to approve amendments to the Conflict of Interest Code of the County Administrative Office.approvedPass Action details None
14-865 39. General Agenda ItemApprove the Bingo Permit Application for San Antonio Community Betterment Association pursuant to Chapter 7.08 of the Monterey County Code effective August 29, 2014 through August 28, 2015.approved  Action details None
14-874 40.Granicus Amendment #1General Agenda Itema. Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-12700 with Granicus, Inc. in the amount of $66,277 for the period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, $68,411 yearly for the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2019, and $10,000 annually for consulting services on an “as-needed” basis for a cumulative total of $349,921 for the provision of the Boards and Commissions module to the existing software subscription and hosting which is part of a comprehensive services package to include storage and archiving, and audio/video streaming of Board of Supervisor’s, Planning Commission, and LAFCO meetings which take place in Monterey County; b. Approve non-standard terms and conditions based on the recommendation of the Director of ITD and the Clerk of the Board; c. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to sign two future amendments to this Agreement with the same Agreement terms; and d. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to transfer funds from Fund 020-2883 PEG Funds upon request from the Information Technology Department approvedPass Action details None
14-878 41.Lincoln Presb. ChurchGeneral Agenda ItemApprove the use of Toro Park, in compliance with Monterey County Code 14.12.130, for a function to be held by Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church on October 12, 2014.approved  Action details None
14-885 42.Report on Governor's FY 2014-15 Enacted BudgetGeneral Agenda ItemReceive a report on the Governor’s FY 2014-15 Enacted Budget.approved  Action details None
14-894 43.California Debt Limit Allocation Committee, AlocationGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve assignment of Monterey County’s 2014 allocation from the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) to CRHMFA (California Rural Homebuyers Fund Authority) Homebuyers Fund (CHF) for inclusion in their Mortgage Revenue Bond financing for the Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) program and authorizing and consenting to all CHF 2014 and 2015 Programs; and b. Authorize the Economic Development Director to send a letter to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee requesting the assignment and certifying that the use is consistent with the County’s adopted Housing Element.approved  Action details None
14-903 44.Active Network Amendment No. 1General Agenda Itema. Approve the Park Department’s Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between Monterey County and Active Network, Inc., adding to the current terms approved on July 30, 2013 for the internet based reservation software solution; and b. Authorize the Chair of the Monterey County Board of Supervisors to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement.approved  Action details None
14-904 45.Korean Community of Monterey Penin.General Agenda ItemApprove the use of Toro Park on September 28, 2014 for a function held by Korean Community of Monterey Peninsula in compliance with Monterey County Code 14.12.130.approved  Action details None
14-911 46.Consolidation NOV14 electionGeneral Agenda ItemAuthorize the Registrar of Voters to consolidate and render specified election services to certain districts relating to the conduct of the November 4, 2014 General Election.approved  Action details None
14-914 47. General Agenda Itema. Retroactively Approve the County of Monterey’s participation in the Statewide e-Forms Network Group Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) effective March 1, 2013. b. Affirm and ratify the Monterey County Assessor’s execution of the JPA effective March 1, 2013, and payment of Monterey County’s share of the JPA agreement initial costs for phases I and II, in the amount to date of $2,200, as indicated in the Agreement; and, c. Authorize the Monterey County Assessor to continue to participate in the JPA and make annual maintenance payments pursuant to the terms of the JPA in annual amounts not to exceed $1,000 per year through the termination of the Agreement on July 1, 2016.approved  Action details None
A 14-206 48.Approve MOU Monterey County Public Defenders Association Unit DBoS AgreementApprove the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Monterey County Public Defenders Association Unit D for the period July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2016.approved  Action details None
A 14-214 49.DSA AgreementsBoS AgreementContinued from July 29, 2014 a. Approve the FY 2014-15 Development Set-Aside (DSA) Agencies Standard Agreements for the Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau (MCCVB), Arts Council for Monterey County (ACMC), and Monterey County Film Commission (MCFC); b. Authorize the Economic Development Director to execute an Agreement with the MCCVB for the period of one (1) year, for the term July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $1,076,729; c. Authorize the Economic Development Director to execute an Agreement with the ACMC for the period of one (1) year, for the term July 1, 204 through June 30, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $355,320 ; and d. Authorize the Economic Development Director to execute an Agreement with the MCFC for the period of one (1) year, for the term July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $170,482.approvedPass Action details None
A 14-216 50.DominionAgreementBoS Agreementa. Ratify and Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute an Agreement for $72,000 with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. to provide hardware maintenance and support services for the period June 26, 2014 to June 25, 2017; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute two future one-year Extensions which do not significantly impact the scope of work or exceed $30,000 per additional year.approved  Action details None
MIN 14-010 51.BoS Action Mintues 05-13-14; 05-20-14; 06-03-14MinutesApprove the Monterey County Board of Supervisor Action Minutes of Tuesday, May 13, 2014; Tuesday, May 20, 2014 and Tuesday June 3, 2014.approved  Action details None
RES 14-076 52.Acceptance of improvements at Laguna SecaBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution accepting ownership by County of Monterey of all fixed structures, buildings and/or site improvements constructed by the Sports Car Racing Association of the Monterey Peninsula (SCRAMP) at Laguna Seca raceway.adoptedPass Action details None
14-947 52.1Transfer Funds from Other Finance Uses - 8038 to VLF-Realignment for Pub & MH FY 2013-14General Agenda Itema. Approve a transfer of $1,303,373 from CAO-Other Financing Uses to CAO-Medical Care Services to fund increased Vehicle License Fee-Local Realignment for Public and Mental Health for FY 2013-14 revenue (4/5th vote required); and b. Approve and authorize the Auditor-Controller to decrease appropriations by $1,303,373 in CAO-Other Financing 001-1050-8038-CAO017 and increase appropriations by $1,303,373 in CAO-Medical Care Services 001-8037-CAO016 to fund FY 2013-14 VLF-Local Realignment revenue increases (4/5th vote required).approved  Action details None
14-964 52.2Parks Lake Resort Deficit...General Agenda ItemThe Parks Lake & Resort Operations Fund 452 under-performed during FY 2013-14, rendering a fund deficit of approximately $2,400,000 and an additional $580,000 fund deficit for a FY 2012 Loan that needs to be reclassified, rendering a total FY 2013-14 deficit of $2,980,000. To address the deficit, certain fiscal transactions are recommended; a. Approve and authorize the cancellation of $1,542,275 from the Contingency Designation Account (Fund 001-3113) to General Fund Balance (Fund 001-3101) with a $1,542,275 appropriation increase in the CAO (Fund 001-1050-8038-CAO017) for FY 2013-14, to use as a source to address the Parks Lake & Resort Operations Fund 452 FY 2013-14 shortfall (4/5th vote required); and b. Approve and authorize the transfer of $1,437,725 from the General Fund Contingencies (001-1050-8034-CAO020) and an appropriation increase of $1,437,725 in CAO (Fund 001-1050-8038-CAO017) for FY 2014, to use as the remaining source to address the Parks Lake & Resort Operations Fund FY 2013-14 deficit (4/5th vote required). (ADDED VIA ADDENDUM)approved  Action details None
14-889 53.FY 14-15 Budget Appropriations - RMA Environmental ServicesGeneral Agenda Itema. Approve an increase appropriations in the amount of $192,000 in the FY 2014-15 Resource Management Agency (RMA) Environmental Services Appropriation Unit 001-3000-8444-RMA099 for increased mandates and expanded permit requirements related to Storm Water Program (4/5th vote required); b. Approve an increase appropriations and estimated revenue in the amount of $150,000 in the FY 2014-15 Resource Management Agency (RMA) Road & Bridge Maintenance Appropriation Unit 002-3000-8443-RMA012 (4/5th vote required); c. Approve an increase appropriations and Operating Transfer Out of $150,000 in the FY 2014-15 Other Financing Uses 001-1050-8038-7614-CAO017(4/5th vote required); d. Approve a decrease appropriations by $342,000 in FY 2014-15 General Fund Contingencies 001-1050-8034-CAO020 (4/5th vote required); and e. Authorize the Auditor Controller’s Office to incorporate approved modifications in the FY 2014-15 Budget.approved  Action details None
A 14-209 54.Agreements with CCC, CSG, WC3 ConsultantsBoS Agreementa. Approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A-11957 with California Code Check, Inc., to Agreement No. A-12103 with CSG Consultants, Inc., and to Agreement No. A-12104 with West Coast Code Consultants, Inc. to provide on-call construction building inspection services to the County of Monterey Resource Management Agency - Building Services with no associated dollar amount increase for the current term through June 30, 2015; and b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer to execute Amendment No. 1 to each Agreement and up to three future Amendments to each Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amounts.approved  Action details None
RES 14-064 55.RMA-Planning Records Retention ScheduleBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution to: a. Approve the Records Retention Schedule for Resource Management Agency (RMA) Planning for the storage and/or destruction of County records as set forth by federal and state laws, county codes, and policies; and b. Authorize the Director of RMA-Planning or his or her designee to destroy or cause the destruction of County records in accordance with the approved Records Retention Schedule for Resource Management Agency (RMA) Planning. (REF140036/RMA-Planning Records Retention Schedule)adoptedPass Action details None
RES 14-072 56.Resolution Scope Cost New Juvenile Hall ProjectBoS ResolutionAdoption of a Resolution to: a. Approve the Scope, Cost and Schedule for the New Juvenile Hall Project and submittal to the Board of State and Community Corrections for Project Establishment with the State; and b. Support authorizing and directing the County Administrative Officer Resource Management Agency Director, and Chief Probation Officer to take such other further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to move the Project forward to meet State milestone requirements for design submissions as defined under the SB 81 2007 Youthful Offender Rehabilitative Facility Construction Funding Program.adoptedPass Action details None
14-893 57.Increased Funding $13M FY 14-15 New Juvenile HallGeneral Agenda Itema. Authorize and approve increased appropriations of $13,323,813 in the FY 2014-15 Capital Projects Fund 404-3000-8174-7614-RMA015 (4/5th vote required); b. Authorize and approve increased appropriations of $746,597 in the FY 2014-15 Capital Projects Fund 402-3000-8174-7614-RMA014 (4/5th vote required); and c. Authorize the Auditor-Controller and County Administrative Office to increase General Fund Assignment 3127 by $14,070,410 as the sole General Fund Assignment for the County’s local match of the New Juvenile Hall Project, Project 8811.approved  Action details None
14-895 58.authorize $17M Cash Match New Juvenile Hall ProjectGeneral Agenda ItemAdopt a resolution: a. Authorizing the expenditure of $17,791,824 as matching funds for the conditional SB 81 2007 Youthful Offender Rehabilitative Facility Construction Funding Program award of $35,000,000 from the State of California for the New Juvenile Hall Project; and b. Authorizing and directing the County Administrative Officer, Resource Management Agency Director, and the Chief Probation Officer to take such other further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to meet the State’s requirements for the award of the SB 81 2007 Youthful Offender Rehabilitative Facility Construction Funding Program.approvedPass Action details None
A 14-207 59.Award Contract J Murphy Const Roof Repairs 1200 aguajitoBoS Agreementa. Approve the addition of the Roof Repairs and Renovations 1200 Aguajito Rd-Courthouse Roof Replacement, Project No. 8543, to the approved list of Capital Projects for Fiscal Year 2014-15 in the Capital Projects Fund 402; and b. Approve a fund transfer from Fund 402 Building Improvements for County Departments to the Roof Repairs and Renovations 1200 Aguajito Rd-Courthouse Roof Replacement, Project No. 8543 for Fiscal Year 2014-15 including a project budget increase of $169,239; c. Award a contract to Joseph Murphy Construction, Inc., the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for the Roof Repairs and Renovations 1200 Aguajito Rd-Courthouse Roof Replacement, Project No. 8543, Bid Package No. 10418, in the total amount of $291,100.00; d. Approve the Performance and Payment Bonds executed and provided by Joseph Murphy Construction, Inc.; e. Authorize a contingency (not to exceed ten percent of the contract amount) to provide funding for approved contract change orders; f. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute the contract and, subject to the terms of the Public Capproved  Action details None
RES 14-073 60.EIR Nacimiento Lake Dr Bridge ProjectBoS ResolutionAdopt a Resolution to: a. Certify the Environmental Impact Report for the Nacimiento Lake Drive Bridge at San Antonio River Replacement Project, County Bridge Number 449; b. Adopt the California Environmental Quality Act findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations for said Project; c. Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and d. Authorize the Resource Management Agency - Public Works to proceed with the Nacimiento Lake Drive Bridge at San Antonio River Replacement Project.adoptedPass Action details None