Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 and Appendix A to Create the Classification of Supervising Dietitian and Amend the Bargaining Unit Assignment of the Dietitian Classification from SEIU-Local 521 Unit F to SEIU-Local 521 Unit H, as Indicated in the Attached Resolution, effective the pay period beginning September 5, 2015;
b. Amend the Natividad Medical Center (Unit 9600) FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget to Approve Reallocation/Reclassification as Indicated by Position Numbers in the Attached Resolution, effective the pay period beginning September 5, 2015;
c. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to Incorporate the Approved Changes in the Natividad Medical Center (Unit 9600) FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget;
d. Direct the County Administrative Office to Incorporate the New Classification and Approved Position Changes in the Natividad Medical Center (Unit 9600) FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget; and
e. Direct the Human Resources Department to Implement the Changes in the Advantage HRM System.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Adopt a Resolution to:
a. Amend Personnel Policies and Practices Resolution (PPPR) No. 98-394 and Appendix A to Create the Classification of Supervising Dietitian and Amend the Bargaining Unit Assignment of the Dietitian Classification from SEIU-Local 521 Unit F to SEIU-Local 521 Unit H, as Indicated in the Attached Resolution, effective the pay period beginning September 5, 2015;
b. Amend the Natividad Medical Center (Unit 9600) FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget to Approve Reallocation/Reclassification as Indicated by Position Numbers in the Attached Resolution, effective the pay period beginning September 5, 2015;
c. Authorize the Auditor-Controller to Incorporate the Approved Changes in the Natividad Medical Center (Unit 9600) FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget;
d. Direct the County Administrative Office to Incorporate the New Classification and Approved Position Changes in the Natividad Medical Center (Unit 9600) FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget; and
e. Direct the Human Resources Department to Implement the Changes in the Advantage HRM System.
The Dietary Services Department at Natividad Medical Center (NMC) is responsible for the treatment and prevention of disease with the use of medical nutrition therapy. The Nutrition Services area of this department provides medical nutrition therapy in the hospital/clinic setting which includes nutrition screening, assessments, nutrition care planning and documentation in all age groups.
On January 25, 2012 NMC received a validation survey result report from the California Department of Public Health, identifying the need for a Supervisory level position within the Nutrition Services area of the Dietary Services Department at NMC. The State of California Title 22, § 72035 requires NMC to have a Registered Dietitian providing oversight of Nutrition Services, specifically overseeing all Dietitians and Dietary Aides.
As a result of the validation survey, the NMC Human Resources Administrator requested a classification study to determine if the current duties being performed by the incumbent are within the required classification. NMC retained Cooperative Personnel Services HR Consulting (CPS HR) to conduct an organizational review of NMC’s Dietary Services Department. The purpose of the classification study was to determine whether the current classification structures within NMC-Dietary Services were appropriate and whether the positions studied were properly classified within the County’s structure.
In recognition of the regulation enforced by the California Department of Public Health, NMC was required to have a Registered Dietitian provide direct supervisory oversight of the Nutrition Services area within the Dietary Services Department. NMC immediately assigned this responsibility to a Registered Dietitian on staff. Upon completion of the organizational study conducted by CPS, the final report recommended the creation of a Supervising Dietitian classification. NMC performed a classification study to create the recommended classification and review/revise the current Dietitian classification to more accurately reflect the nature and scope of work performed in the department. This includes the reclassification of one incumbent to the new Supervising Dietitian classification.
In addition to creating and revising classification specifications, the NMC Human Resources Department collected base salary data in order to assess the proposed compensation level for the classifications included in the study. The salary recommendations are based on compensation levels in comparable Counties with hospital facilities, as identified by the County of Monterey Human Resources Department.
As a result of adding the Supervising Dietitian to the class series, it is recommended that the current Dietitian classification be moved from the Supervisory Bargaining Unit F to the Healthcare Bargaining Unit H, as the Supervising Dietitian will be responsible for all supervisory duties within the Nutrition Services area of the Dietary Services Department. SEIU-Local 521 concurs with this recommendation.
The creation of a Supervising Dietitian has been determined to satisfy the need of the Department of Public Health for oversight of the Dietitian staff, which will position the Dietary Services department to better serve NMC patients and the community. The incumbent of the proposed classification titled Supervising Dietitian will ensure that NMC is in compliance with regulatory requirements. In addition, the incumbent will supervise and evaluate Clinical Dietitians and Dietary Aides.
For these reasons, it is recommended that your Board approve these actions.
The Monterey County Human Resources Department has reviewed the class study and this recommendation. SEIU-Local 521 has reviewed this recommendation, and is in concurrence with these proposed actions.
The annualized increase as a result of this action is approximately $9,842.56, which was included in the Natividad Medical Center (Unit 9600) FY 2015-16 Adopted Budget. This action does not impact the General Fund.
Prepared by: Janine Bouyea
NMC HR Administrator
(831) 783-2701
Approved by: Gary Gray, DO
Interim NMC Chief Executive Officer
(831) 783-2553
Attachments: Resolution