Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Renewal and Amendment No. 2 to the contract with Armstrong Productions, Inc. for programming and production services for the Monterey County Government Channel, extending the term to June 30, 2017, increasing the rate of compensation, and increasing total compensation to a not to exceed amount of $206,000.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Renewal and Amendment #2 to the contract with Armstrong Productions, Inc. for programming and production services for the Monterey County Government Channel, extending the term to June 30, 2017, increasing the rate of compensation, and increasing total compensation to a not to exceed amount of $206,000.
The Monterey County Government Channel is a government access channel which airs the meetings of the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and other public events which take place in the Board of Supervisor Chambers as well as original, informative programs about county services, programs and topics of interest for county residents. The Agreement with Armstrong Productions provides for the production services needed to create county-interest programs. The County wishes to amend the current Agreement to allow for the preparation of a new RFP for these services and to accommodate a billing rate increase requested by the Contractor.
The Agreement for programming and production services is one of three Agreements which provide support services for the Monterey County Government Channel. They are: (a) broadcast operator services, (b) broadcast services and (c) programming and production services. All three Agreements have been in place with the same Contractor since 2008 and the last RFP for all these services was conducted in 2010. The County Communications Coordinator, who also serves as the County Channel Programming Coordinator, and the Information Technology Department agree a new RFP process is appropriate to allow for a possible consolidation of services and agreements and an updated solicitation of interested vendors for county channel services.
Besides recording and airing county public hearings such as the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission, the Monterey County Government Channel creates and airs original, informative programming showcasing county departments and services in collaboration with county departments. The County has an agreement with Armstrong Productions, Inc. for programming and production services which provides for the videotaping, editing and other post production work needed for the creation of this programming. County programming airs on the Monterey County Government Channel which can be found on Comcast Cable Channel 28, www.mgtvonline.com <http://www.mgtvonline.com> and on the Monterey County You Tube channel.
The current Agreement with Armstrong Productions, Inc. has been in place since 2011 and includes the provision for an option to extend the Agreement for one additional two year period. The County wishes to amend this Agreement, extending the Agreement for one year only, until June 30, 2017. This will coincide with the end of the contractor’s two other agreements mentioned above (a) Broadcast Services Agreement and (b) Operator Services Agreement, both of which will end on June 30, 2017. Extension of the Agreement will allow an RFP process that includes all services related to the Government Channel to go out to potential bidders.
Under the programming and production services Agreement, the contractor bills the County for each completed project. The Agreement allows the Contractor to request a billing increase. The billing rate for programming and production services has remained unchanged since 2008 and the Contractor has requested a rate increase as outlined in an updated Attachment A Rate Sheet. This requested increase falls within the range of similar professional services rates.
County Counsel has reviewed the contract amendment as to legal form. Information Technology Department has reviewed fiscal provisions.
There is no impact to the General Fund from this contract amendment. Government channel activities and services are funded by cable franchise PEG (Public Education and Government) fees. This agreement will be funded from Telecommunication funds unit 8436.
Prepared by: Maia Carroll, Communications Coordinator, x3092
Approved by:
Dianah Neff
Director of Information Technology
Approved by:
Nicholas E. Chiulos
Assistant County Administrative Officer
- Amendment #2 to Agreement by and between County of Monterey and Armstrong Productions, Inc.
- Armstrong Attachment A Rate Sheet Update 7.1.2016
- Amendment #1 to Agreement #A-10244 between the County of Monterey and Armstrong Productions, Inc.
- Agreement between County of Monterey and Armstrong Productions, Inc. to Provide Government channel Programming and Production Services