a. Approve Amendment No. 6 to Professional Services Agreement No. A-11906 with TRC Engineers, Inc. to include construction phase engineering services/support to complete Phase 3, Construction Phase Tasks, of the Castroville Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Railroad Crossing, County Project No. 862265, Federal Aid Project No. RSTPLE-5944 (111), to increase the not to exceed amount of $1,039,087.69 by $54,970.72 for a total amount not to exceed $1,094,058.41 and extend the expiration date from December 31, 2017 for one (1) additional year through December 31, 2018, for a revised term from December 28, 2010 to December 31, 2018; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 6 to Professional Services Agreement No. A-11906 and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amount.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors:
a. Approve Amendment No. 6 to Professional Services Agreement No. A-11906 with TRC Engineers, Inc. to include construction phase engineering services/support to complete Phase 3, Construction Phase Tasks, of the Castroville Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Railroad Crossing, County Project No. 862265, Federal Aid Project No. RSTPLE-5944 (111), to increase the not to exceed amount of $1,039,087.69 by $54,970.72 for a total amount not to exceed $1,094,058.41 and extend the expiration date from December 31, 2017 for one (1) additional year through December 31, 2018, for a revised term from December 28, 2010 to December 31, 2018; and
b. Authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or Contracts/Purchasing Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 6 to Professional Services Agreement No. A-11906 and future amendments to the Agreement where the amendments do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved Agreement amount.
Approval of Amendment No. 6 to Professional Services Agreement (PSA) No. A-11906 with TRC Engineers, Inc. (TRC) will allow the County of Monterey (County) Resource Management Agency (RMA) to retain professional services from TRC and provide construction engineering support for the construction phase of the Castroville Bicycle/Pedestrian Path and Railroad Crossing (Project).
The Project consists of a bicycle and pedestrian path with a bridge over the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR). The Project will connect the existing bicycle path on Castroville Boulevard to McDougall Street in Castroville. The new bicycle/pedestrian path will be approximately 0.74 of a mile long. The new bicycle/pedestrian path will have an eight (8) foot paved width for the path and a twelve (12) foot width for the bridge over the UPRR. The bridge will be a concrete box girder bridge that is 1,170 feet long and will be twenty-four (24) feet above the UPRR track.
TRC was contracted to provide professional engineering and environmental services for the Project (Request for Qualifications (RFQ)/Request for Proposals (RFP) #10197). As the designer of the Project, TRC’s services are required to provide design support during construction of the Project.
Amendment No. 6 to PSA No. A-11906 provides for additional time and funding to allow TRC to provide professional construction engineering services/support for the construction phase, Phase 3, Construction Phase Tasks, of the Project. Amendment No. 6 will increase the not to exceed amount of $1,039,087.69 by $54,970.72 for a total amount not to exceed $1,094,058.41 and extend the expiration date from December 31, 2017 for an additional year through December 31, 2018, for a revised term from December 28, 2010 to December 31, 2018.
Attachment J provides a summary of the PSA to date. Attachment K provides a summary of the PSA’s annual expenditures and balance.
The Office of the County Counsel and Auditor-Controller’s Office have reviewed and approved Amendment No. 6 as to form and legality, and fiscal provisions, respectively.
The total estimated project cost, including project management, engineering, utility relocation and construction is $10,205,446, which will be funded by various Federal and State funds (Federal Earmark Grade Crossing, Transportation Enhancement [TE], Active Transportation Program [ATP], State Transportation Improvement Program [STIP], and Transportation Development Act [TDA]); and anticipated TAMC Measure X funds in FY18. The amount of $54,970.72 for Amendment No. 6 will be funded by TE funds. Appropriations will be programmed in FY17-18 Road Fund (Fund 002, Unit 8195) to finance the construction phase of the project.
The recommended action supports the following Board of Supervisors’ Strategic Initiative below. The Project will construct a sustainable, physical infrastructure that improves the quality of life for County residents.
Check the related Board of Supervisors Strategic Initiatives:
__Economic Development
__Health & Human Services
X Infrastructure
X Public Safety
Prepared by: Jonathan L. Pascua, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, (831) 755-8963
Approved by: Benny J. Young, Interim RMA Deputy Director of Public Works and Facilities
Approved by: Carl P. Holm, AICP, RMA Director
Dated: March 6, 2017
Attachment A - Amendment No. 6 to PSA TRC Engineers, Inc.
Attachment B - Project Budget
Attachment C - Summary of PSA
Attachment D - Summary of PSA Annual Expenditures and Balance
Attachment E - Amendment No. 5 to PSA
Attachment F - Amendment No. 4 to PSA
Attachment G- Amendment No. 3 to PSA
Attachment H - Amendment No. 2 to PSA
Attachment I - Amendment No. 1 to PSA
Attachment J - PSA
Attachment K - Location Map
(Attachments on file with the Clerk of the Board)