Approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to sign the Ergonomics Services Amendment No. 2 with Deidre Rogers dba ErgoVera Economic Consulting to increase the compensation for services under the Agreement by $9,000, from $105,000, for a total amount not to exceed the sum of $114,000.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve and authorize the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to sign the Ergonomics Services Amendment No. 2 with Diedre Rogers dba ErgoVera Economic Consulting to increase the compensation for services under the Agreement by $9,000, from $105,000, for a total amount not to exceed the sum of $114,000.
The County of Monterey Ergonomics Process is vital to the prevention and management of work injuries at the County. The Ergonomics Process for repetitive motion has been in place since April 2008 as required by CalOSHA (California Code of Regulations Title 8, Section 5110), substantially reducing the risk of injury and illness to County employees, particularly for repetitive motion injuries.
The Ergonomics Services began contracting with the County in April 2008. Risk Management went out for RFP again in 2012 and ErgoVera Economic Consulting and three other ergonomic services were awarded a contract. The amount of the original multi-year agreement with ErgoVera Economic Consulting was $75,000 ($25,000.00 each year for three years) and with an amend date of August 31, 2015.
On July 29, 2015, the Board of Supervisors approved Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement. The Amendment No. 1 extended the term of the agreement for one year to August 31, 2016, and increased the amount of the agreement by $30,000, from $75,000, for a total amount not to exceed the sum of $105,000. It also gave authorization to the Contracts/Purchasing Officer or designee to execute a future (additional) one-year extension of the PSA at the request of the Risk Manager, provide...
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