Public hearing to receive and consider information on Coastal Hazards, including presentations from the California Coastal Commission, Monterey County Water Resources Agency and United States Bureau of Reclamation, Central Coastal Wetlands Group (Moss Landing Marine Labs), and the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG), and to provide direction to staff on preparation of climate hazard risk assessments and resiliency plans.
Project Location: Unincorporated County
Proposed CEQA action: Statutorily Exempt per CEQA Guidelines Section 15262.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors
a. Find this presentation qualifies for a Statutory Exemption per Section 15262 of the CEQA Guidelines;
b. Receive the attached background information on Coastal Hazards;
c. Receive presentations from the California Coastal Commission, Monterey County Water Resources Agency, United States Bureau of Reclamation, Central Coast Wetlands Group (Moss Landing Marine Labs), and the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments;
d. Support staff prioritizing the pursuit of funding to prepare a detailed climate hazards risk assessment(s) and resiliency plan(s); and
e. Provide other direction to staff as appropriate.
Planning File Number: REF200014 (Coastal Hazards)
Project Location: Countywide
Planning Areas: Countywide
It is anticipated that climate change will result in significant impacts along the coast, including sea level rise, changing patterns of fluvial flooding, storm surge, and erosion ("coastal hazards"). As such, staff asks that the Board of Supervisors consider the information and presentations at the hearing and direct staff to pursue funding to study areas and infrastructure at risk from climate change. Staff recommends that the direction include seeking funding to prepare a resiliency plan(s) that would address protecting or relocating critical infrastructure, outline managed retreat scenarios ...
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