Introduce, waive reading, and set December 12, 2017, as the date and time to consider adoption of an ordinance to amend Chapter 2.19 of the Monterey County Code to change the name of the Equal Opportunity Office to the Civil Rights Office and re-establish the duties of the Office and Officer.
It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors introduce, waive reading, and set December 12, 2017, as the date and time to consider adoption of an ordinance to amend Chapter 2.19 of the Monterey County Code to change the name of the Equal Opportunity Office to the Civil Rights Office and re-establish the duties of the Office and Officer.
The current County code establishes a County "Equal Opportunity Office" and "Equal Opportunity Officer." This ordinance changes the name of the Office to Civil Rights Office and the title of the position to "Civil Rights Officer."
In response to a Title VI program review, the County established a Title VI Implementation Plan and is updating policies and the respective ordinances. Chapter 2.19 changes the name from the Equal Opportunity Office to the Civil Rights Office. It also amends the name of the Equal Opportunity Officer to the Civil Right Officer. In addition, this change removes the administration and enforcement of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program from the duties of the Civil Rights Officer. The Title VI Plan establishes the Resource Management Agency's Deputy Director for Public Works and Facilities as the DBE Liaison, thus transferring the duties for administration and enforcement of the DBE program to that position. This has been the practice in Monterey County for many years.
The Office of County Counsel reviewed and approved as to form.
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